Knowledge of your organization’s login policy which includes your password maximum and minimum limitations are required to complete this task. For example, if your organization set the max limit to ten characters, then your password cannot exceed your company’s set limit of ten characters.
To increase system security, user login policies can be configured to force users to change the default password upon log in. Users can manage their password at any time by going to: My Info > Password.
Important Information About Web Passwords |
These restricted special characters are not
supported. To avoid login issues please do not use these when
creating a new web password:
Special characters supported:! @ # $ % * ( ) < > / ? : ; [ ] { } , . | \ = + - _ / <space> Do not use a <space> at the end of any password, doing so will prevent a user from logging in. Disallowed passwords that cannot be used when creating a new password are:
Be sure to check with your application administrator for any additional disallowed passwords if you did not choose any of the disallowed passwords above, and when prompted with the following message: “Insecure password not allowed.” |
To update your password:
New Password
Confirm Password