About Person Skills & Certifications

The My Info Skills & Certifications tab identifies your skill sets and certifications associated with your person record. Unlike legacy type specialties found in the person Profile area, Skills & Certifications are applied to the person level eliminating the need to manage separate profiles for changes to an individual’s specialty.

Qualification is typically based on specialties associated with a person’s primary job which in this application is driven by Profile data on the target date in comparison to the Specialty requirements of the Position being staffed. Simply put, a person’s profile is effective dated, the application associates the effective date of the profile as the effective date of the specialty. In order to track the effective date of the specialty a new Profile is required. Using skills and certifications removes the profile association because unlike legacy specialties, skills and certifications are attached to the person allowing for greater effective date flexibility, multiple same as specialties in one setup area, and simplifies the overall maintenance and management of specialties.

Security permission settings of type Person in Setup > Authority control the ability to view skills, view certifications, manage skills, and manage certifications.

Dimension Integration Skills and Certifications Technical Detail

Customers using Dimensions must manage skills and certifications in Dimensions the system of record for skills and certifications. User inputs in this application via editing rights will be overwritten by Dimension inputs when synchronization takes place. All historical skills and certifications an employee holds, including expired, are pushed into this application. Moreover, the Dimensions application only displays currently active skills and certifications.

Disabled skills and certifications remain disabled unless imported by person. If a person is imported with a skill or certification via Dimensions that is disabled in this application the integration will enable that skill or certification.