Apply Profile and Assignment Filters

To enable a Profile or Assignment Filter:

  1. Go to People.
  2. Select all or specific personnel to run your query.
  3. Select either the Profile or the Assignment tab as desired.
  4. In Filter Target Date, today is the default date. You may change the date to target Profiles or Assignments by date.

    The date entered in this field, may be used with Filter Mode choices.

  5. In Filter Mode, select your criteria. Depending on the selected tab, Profiles or Assignments, the choices are:
    Field Name Description
    Current Profiles or Assignments [from <= TARGET <= through] Select this filter to show current profiles or assignments from the date entered in the Filter Target Date field.
    Current and Future Profiles or Assignments [TARGET <= through] Select this filter to show current and future profiles or assignments from the date entered in the Filter Target Date field.
    Current Profiles or Assignments {strict} [must pass all tests] Select this filter to show only current profiles or assignments. The target date given to the filter request must be satisfied by the from and through dates of the query; without exception to blank (non-defined) from and through criteria. For example, if 1/1/2010 is used it will only return profiles that occurred before 1/1/2010 and not after that date.
    All Profiles or Assignments [ignore target] Select this filter to show all profiles or assignments without the parameters of a Filter Target Date date. Default setting.
    Save as Default Select this check box to set the filter as the default for future use.
  6. Optional - select Save as Default View to set this filter as the default for future use.
  7. Click Apply Filter.