Work Code Add | Edit Field Descriptions

The Add and Edit screen display work codes and the behavior of each work code is configured in Setup > Codes. Not all of the fields enable or require input.
Field Name Description
Work Code Displays a list of work codes the user can access. The visibility of work codes in the drop-down list is controlled in Setup > Work Codes > Authority.
Detail Code Displays a list of detail code values if configured or use the field to type in a detail code value when prompted by a Dynamic Issue. Format: 10 characters max.
Account Displays secondary payroll account information, such as cost centers and project numbers. Max: 30 characters or 50 characters as of application versions 7.0.1. Depending on your configuration this field could auto populate, and either enable or disable.

In a Dimensions integration applicable and available cost centers appear for each person as selectable items in the Account menu. Cost Centers are retrieved from Dimensions using the Workforce Dimensions Data Import Task, and stored in this application as of version 7.1.14+, 7.2.5+, and 7.3.1+. Moreover, when a message appears stating the cost center is from this date, this means the last data import task was unsuccessful and the cost centers could be outdated. Check the activity log, and if needed rerun the task. For additional information see topic, Workforce Dimensions Data Import Task.

Assigned Jobs Displays a list of jobs from Dimensions for the selected user. A Dimensions product license is required to view the Transfers panel, and at least one of these user permissions must be granted: Roster: View Schedule Transfers, and/or Roster: Edit Schedule Transfers.
Labor Categories Displays a list of labor category entries by day from Dimensions for the user based on the scheduled job, person, and date. A Dimensions product license is required to view the Transfers panel, and at least one of these user permissions must be granted: Roster: View Schedule Labor Categories and/or Roster: Assign Schedule Labor Categories.

As of application version 7.2.2+ a default Labor Category and Labor Category Entry can be set on the Shift in Setup to preset the Labor Category on the staffing record when a person works this shift. The labor category associated with the person, the assigned job, and the shift must match in order for this application to preset the labor category on the staffing record. If the labor category entry set on the Shift in setup does not match the labor category applied to the person’s profile and the assigned job for the day in Dimensions, then this field will not set the labor category as defined on the shift in Setup. However, if blank and authorized personnel can still set any of the available labor categories for the person in this application.

Notable Application Behavior: Add functionality returns labor categories available for the person. Edit functionality returns labor categories in their current state which includes edits. This means if you change a labor category entry that defaulted to X and now Z, then added another labor category of Project with a labor category entry of 101, the edit function displays labor category entries X, and 101. Using Add on the same record returns the default labor category entry of X. Additionally, default a labor category will not automatically populate once they have been explicitly removed by a user.


Dimensions Labor Category Entry of Day reference a single day and the day of, this means you can edit one work code transfer at a time. Multi-edit is not available for Transfers.

Note Use for notes. The note will be maintained with the record. Format: 100 characters max, or 255 characters max as of 5.4.6+, 6.3.1+)
From Displays the start time of the shift when scheduled to work; for non-scheduled days the hours either default to 24-hours or a certain time-period may display for non-scheduled days. The From time references the start time of the selected work code. This field is formatted for hh:mm using a 24-hour clock.

UTC - Universal Time Coordinates visible as of application version 7.2.

Through Displays the end time of the shift when scheduled to work; for nonscheduled days the hours either default to 24-hours or a certain time period may display for non-scheduled days. The Through time references the end time of the selected work code. This field is formatted for hh:mm using a 24-hour clock.

UTC - Universal Time Coordinates visible as of application version 7.2.

Time Frame Slider A visual aid of the shift assignment. If the Suppress Shift Assignment check box is checked, then the time slider omits the shift assignment. If the Suppress Vacancy check box is checked, then the time slider omits the vacancy. Time-period Indicators:
  • Solid Blue: Indicates working time.
  • Shaded Blue: Indicates unallocated shift assignment time. Enables when the Suppress Shift Assignment check box is not checked.
  • Solid red: Indicates unsuppressed vacancy time. Enables when Suppress Shift Assignment is checked, and Suppress Vacancy is not checked.
Hours Duration using the From and Through time. Hours is the total time for which the selected work code is active.
Where indicates a job location preference for signup purposes. Work code and event must allow for Where in order to enable this field.
Suppress Assignment Suppresses the person’s shift assignment. For example, if checked, moving a person’s assignment from a 7AM start to an 8AM start will suppress the initial shift assignment start, 7AM-8AM.
Suppress Vacancy Suppress Vacancy - Enables when Suppress Assignment is checked. Used to suppress the shift assignment vacancy. This is the selected person’s Assignment in person > Assignment tab.
Cover Person Used to select a cover person. This field enables when work code Cover is configured. Utilized for shift trade purposes.
Display All Displays all of the people in the database for the user to select a cover person. This field enables when work code Cover is configured, and when Authority permission Cover: Show All is granted. Utilized for shift trade purposes.
Work Code (Cover) Displays a list of work codes that can be assigned to the person covering the shift. This field enables when Cover and Detail Code fields are configured.
Detail Code (Cover) Displays a list of detail code values if configured or use the field to type in a detail code value when prompted by a Dynamic Issue. Max length: 10 characters.
Add (Records) The Records field updates when the above information is complete and displays the following symbols:
  • Green Circle - No issues. You can submit the record.
  • Yellow Circle - Indicates there is an issue(s) associated with the record, but the record may still be submitted by certain authorities.
  • Red Circle- Indicates there is an issue(s) associated with the record, and the record cannot be submitted.
  • Yellow Triangle- Indicates a warning, but the record may still be submitted irrespective of authority.
Request Note

Used to provide users a reason for denying or approving a work code, or request additional information from an employee before taking action on their request. Type the percentage sign % to return all predefined reasons. Only one request note reason can be used. However,a request note may be overwritten by selecting another request note. Request Notes are accessible by users who have the authority to approve the work code. Request Notes are viewable by the approver and the user who submitted the request.

Date The Date field updates when the above information is complete.
Issues The Issues field updates when the above information is complete. If there are conflicts with the date(s)/time(s) selected, then the Issues field displays a specific message with the conflict(s). Issues are numbered for the Person (1) or the Cover Person (2).
Adjust time frame too
  • Default is unchecked, and uses the time currently showing in the Edit work code screen.
  • If selected, the system will default the From and Through field to the shift start and the shift end each time a work code is edited. For example, if a person is on sick leave for part of the day from 08:00-13:00, and then changes the Sick Leave work code to Vacation, the system will replace 08:00-13:00 with the shift assignment values, like 08:00-18:00.

Additional examples:

Suppose a person is working half their shift day, and initially taking Sick time-off to cover the other half, the person then decides to switches their  Sick time-off for Vacation time-off. Adjust time frame too options behave as follows:

  • Clear the check box, Adjust time frame too retains the actual hours as indicated by the original transaction. In the example above, no change in hours takes place; even swap.
  • Select Adjust time frame too - to revert to the original shift times. In the example above, the hours field will need to be adjusted to reflect the partial time-off.
+Log List Check this option to log the selected List.
Roster The settings in this tab enables authorized users to specify where the record should be (re)located when saved.
Event This tab is enabled only when the selected work code is configured in Setup with Where set to Yes or Optional. This enables users to view the details of the working event. The application also shows the Event Details on a separate Event screen.