Acknowledge a Shift Trade

Advanced Business Workflows, and Notifications must be activated in Setup to use the Trade Acknowledgment feature.
Important Shift Trade Changes
In application version 7.2 the Contact Log was enhanced to give users the ability to Accept or Reject a shift trade from the Contact Log. Previously, the user could acknowledge a shift trade via the Contact Log, and follow the steps noted below. Acknowledge confirms receipt of the notification. Acknowledge does not mean the user accepts the shift trade. The user must click Accept when and where prompted to accept a shift trade.

To accept, or deny a shift trade:

  1. Go to the Calendar, or the Roster.
  2. Click the shift trade work code. Options are:
    • Click Accept Trade to confirm the trade.

    • Click Deny Trade to reject the trade and remove that trade from your Calendar.

If the trade code requires additional approval, then the work code will remain in a pending approval state. A notification will be sent to all applicable people in the Notification Group.

If the work code does not require additional approval, then the work code status will show, Approved, meaning system approved.