Requesting a Shift Trade

Review Shift Trade Types and Viewing Other Shifts on My Calendar topic.

Organizations can configure a one-way, or a two-way shift trade. This task covers both types of trades to present the users with both methods in a single help topic. Your organization determines which shift trade type the application presents. Two-way shift trades are available as of application 7.2.1

Request A One-Way Shift Trade

To request a one-way shift trade:

  1. Go to the Calendar or the Roster.
  2. From the Calendar, click on the desired date to enable your Calendar options and select Add. From the Roster click on the work code column and select Add.
  3. In Work Code*, select your shift trade type work code from the drop-down list. Typically labeled: Shift Trade Off or Exchange Off. If a detail code, account, or a note is required the system will prompt you to enter the information
  4. The From and Through fields populate with your shift assignment. Use these fields to change the start or end time. The application will prevent you from changing times if your organization configured time limits. Choices are:
    • To change the times use format: HH:MM (ex: 2:30p.m. = 14:30)

    • Use the Hours field to change the number of hours and have the system auto populate the Through field for you.

  5. In Cover Person, select a person from the list to cover your shift.
  6. In Work Code, select the cover work code in the Cover section that will apply to the cover person. If a detail code, or a note is required the system will prompt you to enter the information.
  7. In Add, verify your dates and then select the desired dates.
  8. Click Save. The Save button enables if no issues intervene or you have the permission to override that issue.

Depending on your business rules the trade will either be automatically approved or require approval. If your trade requires approval, you will see the asterisk to denote a pending request. Customers using Dimensions will see applicable Labor Category Entries of the Day on the working time of the shift that is being traded to be applied to BOTH the working and non-working exchange period. Additionally, when a labor category/entry is to be excluded because it is not included in the set of labor category entries then the application will alert the user that one or more labor category entries could not be included.

Request a Two-Way Shift Trade

Available as of application version 7.2+. A work code must be configured as a Two-Way Trade work code in order to follow the steps in this task. Two-way trades allow the payback half of the shift trade to be supplied at the time the shift trade is initiated. Therefore, it is important to understand your organization’s shift trade and payback policies before you add a two-way shift trade.

For example, a trade policy may state that a trade must be paid back within the same pay period, or within 90 days, and so on. When configured the application will stop the trade if the user adds the trade outside the trade rule limits. As such, the behavior of a two-way shift trade is configured by your organization. The application will prompt you when inputs are required.

Multiplet two-way trades are not supported when multiple days are selected. Each two-way trade transaction must be entered one at a time. Each two-way trade results in four work codes linked together.

Dimensions Integration: Labor category entries are supported using two-way shift trades as of application version 7.2.2.

To request a two-way shift trade:

  1. Go to the Calendar or the Roster.
  2. From the Calendar, click on the desired date to enable your Calendar options and select Add. From the Roster click on the work code column and select Add.
  3. In Work Code*, select your shift trade type work code from the drop-down list. Typically labeled: Shift Trade Off or Exchange Off. If a detail code, account, or a note is required the system will prompt you to enter the information.

    The two-way trade panel displays two panes, the first pane on the left is the initiating work code, the second pane on the right is the Payback portion. Fields in the Payback pane enable based on user input and work code configuration.

  4. On the left pane, the From and Through fields populate with your shift assignment. Use these fields to change the start or end time. The application will prevent you from changing times if your organization configured time limits. Choices are:
    • To change the times use format: HH:MM (ex: 2:30p.m. = 14:30)

    • Use the Hours field to change the number of hours and have the system auto populate the Through field for you.

  5. In Cover Person, select a person from the list to cover your shift.
  6. In Work Code, select the cover work code in the Cover section that will be applied to the cover person. If a detail code, account, or a note is required the system will prompt you to enter the information.
  7. Go to the Payback Information pane, in Date enter the payback date. If cleared, the application will enable the Save button, if the date chosen conflicts with a static or dynamic issue the application will alert you, and the Save is disabled. Review the issues to resolve.
  8. In Add, verify your dates and then select the desired dates.
  9. Click Save. The Save button enables if no issues intervene or you have the permission to override that issue.

Depending on your business rules the trade will either be automatically approved or require approval. If your trade requires approval, you will see the asterisk to denote a pending request.

1 IVR for two-way trades is not supported in application 7.2.