The sign-up feature is a way for users to indicate
their availability, and volunteer for extra work. Signup type
work codes are typically labeled: Signup, Available, Available AM,
Available PM.
To sign up for additional work on the Calendar:
Click the desired date, then click Add.
Select the sign-up type work code.
The From and Through fields populate with
either system defined time periods, or your shift assignment. Use
these fields to change the start or end time.
To change the time period use format: HH:MM
(Ex: type 14:30 to indicate 2:30 PM)
Use the Hours field to change the number of hours.
The application will automatically populate the Through field.
Verify your dates, and select the check box next to the
desired dates.
Click Save.The Save button enables if no
issues intervene, or you have the permission to override the issue.