This topic covers how shift assignments affect the Roster. Important and Related Topics:
Important |
A variation of these scenarios can exist in a single database. |
Example 1 shows how selecting a shift in the Position screen
affects the Roster:
Example 2: Same Position settings noted in Example 1, however,
in this example the positions are assigned to people and both the
Position and the Shift match.
Example 3: In this example only the Positions match - not the shifts. Notice how it breaks the units on the Roster into three distinct units. This is an example of what happens in the application when varying shift times work in the same area.
The last image displays the same scenario but with Roster Merge applied. Roster Merge allows you to take shifts and merge them into one shift so that personnel with varying shift times (not shift days) display in the same unit. If you have multiple positions with varying shift times please consult with a Kronos application expert to determine the most optimal shift and position configuration. Use caution when merging shifts especially when shift merge starts to resemble a daisy chain effect because if one shift in the daisy chain is removed the entire chain breaks.