Configure a Unit

Review About Unit and Unit Field Reference topics.

The level names shown in the organizational structure of this application can be renamed to reflect your organization’s current levels in Setup > General > Terminology. This topic refers to a Unit, which is the fifth column starting from the first. To rename a level go to Setup > General > Terminology.

To open or create a new Unit:

  1. Go to Setup > Organizations > Institutions > Agency> Region > Station > Unit.
  2. Choices are:
    • Select a Station and click Add Unit to place this new Unit in the selected Station.

    • To copy an entire Unit, select the desired Unit and click Clone.
  3. In Active When, enter the day this Unit is active. This field applies to newly created Units; not Units generated during the initial creation of the database.
  4. Configure the remaining fields and check boxes provided as desired.
  5. Click Save.