Disable Organizational Areas

  • Review Disabling Station, Unit, Positions in Setup Organization topic and About Disable Unit for a day topics before you start this task.
  • Read the entire task before removing or disabling a Station, Unit, or Position.

To remove a Station, Unit, or Position from the Roster:

  1. Go to Setup and locate the Station, Unit, or Position in the Organizations area.
  2. In Through, enter the last day the Station, Unit, or Position should remain visible (active) on the Roster.

    The Through date removes that item from the Roster, but, does not disable the item. Do not click disable until the Through date has passed.

  3. Click Save.

When the Through date entered has transpired, return to Setup Organizations, locate the item, go to Status and click Disable to remove that item from displaying in other areas of the application such as, the Roster, People Filer and Assignment tab.