Expirations Report Field Descriptions

Specialties are certifications, skills, attributes, or general qualifications that are tracked in the application. Specialties are typically used to include or exclude a person from a working opportunity, or as people filters. This report tracks two types of application specialties:

  • Specialty (Legacy)
  • Certifications
A person may have multiple specialties, each with its own expiration date; however, the effective date of each legacy type specialty is driven by the profile’s From date. Legacy specialties remain in the application, and contained in the person’s Profile tab.

In application version 6.7 skill and certification type specialties were introduced and detached from the person Profile tab, and available in the person Skills and Certifications tab. These specialties are not linked to a profile date. Certifications can be applied to a person multiple times with various start and end dates.

When querying a specialty of type Certification, same as certifications that overlap, or have adjacent effective and expiration dates - will be joined. The application will determine whether the certification has expired in the given date range.

Lunch is subtracted if target Shift indicates that it is appropriate.

TIP: To inform personnel that their specialty will expire in the near future provide a future date range in the From and Through fields.

Field Name Description
Date Selection Options are calendar dates, or dynamically calculated dates.
From The start date of a range to return Specialty Expirations.
Through The end date of a range to return Specialty Expirations.
Institution Limits the output to the selected Institution.
Region Limits the output to the selected region.
Person Limits the output to the selected people. Displays a list of active people for the target period.
Rank Limits the output to the selected job ranks.
View Report Displays the Expiration report.

Expiration Report Query Scenarios

Expiration Report Query Range > >> FROM: January 01, 2019 --- THROUGH: March 31, 2019
Person has one certification dated:
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE January 10, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 01, 2019
Result: Certification X returns in the report because it expires within the date span.
Expiration Report Query Range >>> FROM: January 01, 2019 --- THROUGH: March 31, 2019
Person has two same as certifications dated:
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE January 10, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 1, 2019
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE February 1, 2019 -- EXPIRES May 30, 2019
Result: Neither certification returns in the report because the expiration date of March 1st overlaps the same certification with an effective date of February 1st, and the latter expires May 30th which is outside of the report range.
Expiration Report Query Range >>> FROM: January 01, 2019 --- THROUGH: March 31, 2019
Person has three of the same as certifications dated:
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE January 10, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 01, 2019
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE March 05, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 25, 2019
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE March 8, 2019 -- EXPIRES May 30, 2019
Query Result: Certification X with an effective date of January 10th, and an expiration date of March 1st returns in the report because it expires within the date span provided. The next two same as certifications do not overlap or have adjacent dates to join.
Expiration Report Query Range >>> FROM: January 01, 2019 --- THROUGH: March 31, 2019
Person has four certifications, three same as and one unique, dated:
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE January 10, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 01, 2019
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE March 02, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 25, 2019
  • Certification X, EFFECTIVE March 24, 2019 -- EXPIRES May 30, 2019
  • Certification Z, EFFECTIVE February 01, 2019 -- EXPIRES March 01, 2020
Query Result: Only Certification Z returns in the report because it expired within the date span provided. The three same as certifications (Certification X) join by either an adjacent or an overlap date that results in an expiration date of May 30th is outside of the report range.