Summary Report Field Descriptions

The Summary report provides a breakdown for each code by percentage. Graphics are used to display the information. The work codes are broken down into four categories: working, non-working, regular-duty, and sign-up.

Field Name Description
Date Selection Options are calendar dates, or dynamically calculated dates.
From The start date of a range to return work code data.
Through The end date of a range to return work code data .
Payroll only Limits the output to work codes with a payroll code identifier.
Detail Displays detail codes in the output. Multiple detail codes must be separated with a comma (,).
Institution Limits the output to the selected Institution.
Region Limits the output to the selected region.
Person Limits the output to the selected people. Displays a list of active people for the target period.
Physical Unit Limits the output to the selected unit.1
Position Limits the output to the selected positions.
Rank Limits the output to the selected job ranks.
Shift Limits the output to the selected shifts.
Work Code Limits the output to the selected work codes.
Work Code Type Limits the output to the selected work code type.
View Report Displays the Summary report.
1 Available as of application version