BIRT Closure Notes Report

To use Custom Reports your product registration key must include the Report (R) add-on module as an option. This task covers the basic and necessary steps to view the Closure Notes Report in the Reports area of the application. For additional information review the step details in Create a Custom BIRT Report topic.

This task requires:
  • BIRT designer knowledge.
  • BIRT must be installed using the proper version of Eclipse.exe available in the Customer Portal.
  • Java SE Development Kit 8u66 - Download jdk-8u66-windows-x64.exe
  • Access to the System page
  • Reports Authority granted - Setup > System > Authority Levels
  • View Roster granted - Setup > Security > Authority
  • Application version 6.7.

Follow the steps in the order shown below to create the Position Closure Note custom BIRT report:

  1. Launch the BIRT application. Click birt.exe located in the birt-designer after it is installed.
  2. Go to System > Custom Reports
  3. Click Add, to create a new custom report.
  4. In Name, label the report.
  5. In Report Type, select BIRT Report.
  6. In Data Source, click Add to open the Report Data panel.
    1. In the Criteria panel, go to the Data Source menu box and select Position Closure. This is the.rptdesign data source template for your birt-designer and the report’s layout without any modifications.
    2. Click OK to generate your new position closure.rptdesign data source report template. This report template includes the data limitations previously specified, if any.
  7. Supply dynamic dates in the Dynamic Dates panel. For this task, type TODAY in both the From and Through fields. The user can change the From and Through parameters as desired in the Reports area.1
  8. Click Save to embed the default date in your .rptdesign template(s).
  9. Click to obtain the Position_ClosureNotes report. This is the layout of the report which includes any data limits and the dynamic dates supplied. Save this file for the next step.
  10. Drag thePosition_ClosureNotes.rptdesignfile into the birt-designer workspace.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click Publish to share the report with others and make the report accessible in the Reports area.
1 The same dynamic date applies to all of the report templates if multiple templates exist. Date properties within each report vary. When multiple reports with varying date properties are used, only the date properties for the given report enable and pass data.