Schedule Sync (Dimensions)

  • Available in Dimensions 7.0.1 application.
  • Integration and active window controls must be set and running.
  • User must have the authority permission Calendar/Roster: Schedule Sync granted.

Schedule Sync is used to troubleshoot schedules in Dimensions. While this allows users to manually synchronize schedules rather than wait for an automated schedule to take place, usage does not advance this schedule request over all other schedule requests running in the background. The use of this function does not move a sync schedule request to the top of the schedule synchronization processing queue. Moreover, frequent usage could slow regular schedule updates.

Simply put, this feature offers a manual way to push the schedule using the Active Time Window (ATW) parameter presets when synchronizing working and regular duty time. Nonworking time is synchronized regardless of the ATW definition as it is not restricted by an ATW.

For example, suppose...

  • Today is May 1st
  • Today the ATW is covering May 1st - May 2nd
  • Today the scheduler pushes future Overtime and Sick time for May 3rd through May 5th
Result: Sick time changes are synchronized because they are not restricted by the ATW (always synchronized). The overtime (working type work code) is not synchronized because May 3rd - May 5th is outside the ATW of May1st - May 2nd.

Schedule synchronization is located at the person level, or for people on the Roster as follows:

  1. Synch Schedule options are:
    • By Person - go to the Calendar and select the days to be synchronized, or go to the Roster and click the person to show the pop-up menu options.

    • By Roster, go to the gear icon menu.

  2. Select Schedule Sync.
  3. The message alert, Schedule Sync Started displays on the top center of the calendar.

    The Event Log is available in Setup > System > Activity Log.