Blueprint times change for various reasons, for instance a late shipment, equipment out of order, canceled production orders and so on. The application allows schedulers to move an unallocated or an allocated blueprint. Updating a blueprint date and time backward or forward in minutes, hours, or days can be done using two options on the Planning board, Nudge and Edit. In either case, and Issues window will show you whether or not conflicts exist due to the Nudge or Edit. For more information see the Nudge Issues Reference topic.
Nudging Times vs. Editing Times
Nudging times means that the start and end time of a blueprint are incremented or decremented by the same amount of time. In other words, if both the start and end time of a blueprint are moved forward by one hour, then this is a Nudge. Alternatively, if the start of an event is moved an hour backward, and the end time is moved an hour forward, then this is NOT a Nudge but rather an Edit. The application will allow you to Nudge allocated people, but will not Nudge allocated people if you edit.
Employees are NOT nudged when blueprint times are Edited
When the times of the blueprint are Edited - not nudged, as defined above - then a person's time in the blueprint will not be changed, regardless of whether the Nudge Person option is selected. When a blueprint’s time is changed, the person will be de-allocated for any period of time that the blueprint is no longer running.
Employees are Nudged when a blueprint is Nudged
When a blueprint is nudged, as defined above, and the Nudge Person option is selected, people are nudged by the same amount of time. For example, if a person is working 7AM- 3PM on a blueprint that runs from 7AM - 3PM, and the blueprint is nudged to 8AM - 4PM, then the application will attempt to nudge the person to 8 AM - 4 PM.
IMPORTANT: This logic also applies to partial allocations. For instance, if a person is allocated from 8AM - 10AM on a blueprint that runs from 7AM - 3PM, and the blueprint is nudged to 8AM-4PM, then the application will attempt to nudge the person to 9AM - 11AM.
This partial allocation logic also applies when multiple people are allocated to the job. For example, suppose that one person is allocated from 8 AM - 12 PM, and another person is allocated to 12PM - 4PMon the same blueprint that runs from 8AM - 4 PM. The event is nudged to 9AM-5 PM. The application will then attempt to change the first persons allocation to 9 AM - 1 PM, and the second person's time to 1 PM - 5 PM. The issues window will prompt you to whether or not keep job, keep on partial, or remove the person.