About Shift Splits

Shift Splits are a group of shifts used to facilitate the deployment of blueprints on the planning board by automatically splitting a blueprint into one or more blueprints based on the start time and duration inherited from the shifts belonging to the selected Shift Split group.

As of application version 6.2 a default Shift Split is required in blueprint templates in Setup.

When Blueprints are applied to the Planning Board, the blueprint positions within the blueprint event can automatically be split into distinct Blueprint events, each with a Shift attached, as defined by the Shift Split which can be the default shift split or the user can select a different Shift Split

When deploying blueprints on the planning board the user has two choices, either select a Shift or a apply a Shift Split. When using a single shift to deploy an event the start and end times can be modified for that blueprint event instance. Offsets are factored in when blueprint events are split. This includes Offsets on Before, During, and After positions.

Each Shift Split will allow an unlimited number of Shifts. The blueprints will be split based on the start time and duration that is inherited from the shifts contained in the Shift Split. The splitting behavior will also observe working and non-working days from the shift, which means splits will not occur on days where the splitting shift is not active.

Shift Split example scenarios below:

Example 1:

  1. The Shift Split has
    1. Shift 1: 7AM - 3PM
    2. Shift 2: 3PM - 11PM
  2. The event is deployed from 7AM - 11PM
  3. The During Position #1 in the event has Start Offset of -30, and an End Offset of -30.
  4. The Event gets split into two events, one on First Shift and one on Second Shift.
    1. During Position #1 on Shift 1 runs from 6:30AM - 2:30PM
    2. During Position #1 on Shift 2 runs from 2:30PM - 10:30PM

Example 2:

  1. The Shift Split has
    1. Shift 1: 7AM - 3PM
    2. Shift 2: 3PM-11PM
  2. The event is deployed from 7AM-11PM
  3. The Before Position #1 in the event has Start Offset of -30, and an End Offset of 0.
  4. The After Position #1 in the event has a Start Offset of 0, and an End Offset of 30.
  5. The Event gets split into two events, one on First Shift and one on Second Shift.
    1. Before Position #1 on Shift 1 runs from 6:30AM-7AM
    2. After Position #1 on Shift 1 runs from 3PM-3:30PM
    3. Before Position #1 on Shift 2 runs from 2:30PM-3PM
    4. After Position #1 on Shift 2 runs from 11PM-11:30PM

Additional split shift behavior as of application version 6.6. For the calendar day the shift split is applied, no shift pattern on the previous or successive day will be included.

For example, if the start and end times are set to:

6/25/18 5:00 AM - 6/25/18 5:00 PM with a shift in the Split Shift that runs everyday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, only the patterned day shift will be included.

The result for that shift would be 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The previous day's shift tail-end is not included because the previous day's shift is not today's pattern shift.

Applicable shift times can be truncated by the start and end, but can not be expanded.

Prior to application version 6.6, when deploying a Blueprint, any shift in the Shift Split that falls outside of the beginning or ending midnight period results in truncated times at midnight time.


The Shift Split contains three shifts that run every day:

Before application version 6.6, when the Shift Split is Applied, the result is 4 splits, as follows:

As of application version 6.6, when the Shift Split is applied, the result is 3 splits, as follows: