Blueprint Import List

The Blueprint Import List located on the Planning Board is used to review and troubleshoot Blueprint import activity logs.

A user can view the Blueprint Import activity log for the focused institution only using the authority permission Scheduling: Planning. Focused institution means, if the institution in focus is Institution X, and a Blueprint Import 123 includes records for institutions: X, Y, and Z. Then the user can see the Blueprint Import 123 in the activity log with only the X records visible. To view Y records the user must have Scheduled Into rights to that institution and the focus institution must be set to Y.

To toggle and view the activity log for all institutions regardless of the user’s Home Institution, Scheduled Into institutions, or the focus institution the user must have the Authority permission, Scheduling: Import Logs View All Institutions which grants access to all and <None> institutions. <None> is mainly used to trace and view the activity log for institutions that do not exist in the system which would generate an import error but not show in the activity log of a valid institution.


For more information Search the Online Help for specific topics using keywords: Scheduled Into, Security Permissions, Institution Focus Override...

Name Field Description
Institution > Select Limits the number of records shown by the user’s Home Institution or Scheduled Into Institutions. One or more Institutions are selectable. The Default is <none>.
Show Previous Limits the number of records shown by Days, Weeks, and Months.
Show Errors Only Used to limit the records shown to errors only.
Institution The target institution.
Unit The target unit.
Date The import Run date.
Start Run The import Start timestamp.
End Run The import End timestamp.
Imported The number of successful blueprint records imported.
Errors The number of errors shown in red font, and the number of resolved errors shown in black font.
View Log Click the link “View Log” to view and export additional details.
  • Status: Displays whether the import was successful or failed.
  • Deployed Blueprint ID: Displays the Blueprint External ID provided in the blueprint XML file.
  • Action: Denotes import Action, Insert, Remove
  • Plant: Institution Abbreviation or Institution External ID supplied if any.
  • Start: The import run start datetime.
  • End: The import run end datetime.
  • Line ID: The external ID of the Unit.
  • Line Abbreviation: The abbreviation of the Unit.
  • SKU: Displays the Product ID provided in the XML file if any.
  • Quantity: Displays Quantity provided in the XML file if any.
  • Order: Displays Order Information provided in the XML file if any.
  • Labels: Displays the label or labels provided in the XML file if any.
  • Matched To: Displays matching template or templates. If more than one template is a match, review the desired template in setup > blueprints and provide additional details in the import to return the desired template.
  • Notes: Displays notes provided in the blueprint XML file or notes contained in the matching blueprint template.
  • Error: Displays a description of the error if any. Also, see the Activity Log in System > Activity > Import Manager for additional details.