The main purpose of the issues window is to alert the user to the specific issues that the nudge, or edit will cause so that the user can fix them. The Issues window shows after using the Nudge feature, or after editing times on a blueprint to help resolve scheduling conflicts as a result of the nudge or edit.
Although, this is a Nudge Issues window, the Edit window will also trigger the issues window since changing blueprint times in either case can result in issues. The main difference in behavior is that in Nudge mode the application will allow you to reallocate people, whereas in Edit mode you can not reallocate people. See About Nudge topic for more information.
Simply put, issues run whether or not the Nudge People check box is selected. This is because a blueprint time change can result in people becoming de-allocated for a period of time. When the times of the blueprint are changed - the allocation times of the people assigned to it may also need to be changed.
For example, if a blueprint runs from 6AM - 10 AM, and then nudged to 7AM - 11AM, the user may also want to change the people's allocation times to 7AM - 11AM. If a person's time is changed, then there are three issues that could trigger...
The Issues window will do the following when blueprint times are updated and Nudge Person is checked:
It is very important to point out that there can be multiples of each issue for a single person as the result of a single blueprint nudge or time edit. Here is an example:
A person is scheduled on the roster from 7AM - 3PM, and allocated to the following blueprints...
The time for blueprint #1 is changed to 6AM - 4PM, and the Nudge People option is selected which could result in the following issues...
Issue Types:
*Issues of type Not Scheduled or Non-Working display Keep on Partial rather than Keep on Job. Selecting Keep on Partial keeps the person allocated for the portion of the time for which they were previously scheduled. If the person is not scheduled for any part of the new period, then this button will be disabled.