The Qualified Pass or Fail icon (yellow triangle) appears
on the Staffing board next to a person occupying a position when
they fail the job criteria, such as job title, job specialties including
specialty (legacy), skills, and certifications.
The Qualified Pass or Fail feature appears on the Staffing board,
Scheduling board, People panel, Roster, and in Fill by Person -
and always turned on irrespective of whether or not Qualified Pass
or Fail is selected on the Roster View.1
Job title and specialty validation are based on the requirements
of the position relative to the person’s qualifications for the
target date.
The Qualified Pass or Fail icon on the Staffing board displays
the following types of failure details when hovering over the triangle
- Specialty Expired - displays when the Through (End)
date of a Specialty (legacy specialty) has elapsed.
- *Not Met- displays when the person occupying the position
does not have the *job title, specialty (legacy), skill, or certification
required for the position. *Validates job title Equivalent, and
Can Act As.
- *Expired - displays when the expiration date of the *specialty,
or certification has elapsed.
- Skill Status is inactive- displays when the Status of
the target skill is set to inactive.
- *Date invalid - displays when the date or date range
on the person’s *certificate is outside the target date criteria,
or the *skill has a future effective date.
1 The Roster <Full>
view has Qualified Pass or Fail selected in settings which means
the feature is automatically turned on when using the full view
on the Roster, the ability to turn this feature on or off is only
available on the Roster for the Roster. Blueprints are not supported
on the Roster.