Simply put, a smart blueprint is a container for other blueprints, and used to reduce the number of blueprints available when deploying events on the Planning board.
Smart blueprints are created by taking various data inputs and sources into account, such as customer specifications, sales trends and so on. Once the blueprints are defined, a scheduler can simply choose a smart template when creating the event, the system will automatically return the blueprint that fits the criteria for the date provided on the Planning Board.
Smart Blueprints run off the effective date of the blueprint within. For this reason, effective dates must be unique; however, the blueprints contained within can have overlapping periods; and only one blueprint can have no effective date.
When a blueprint contains an overlapping period the system will return the blueprints with the nearest effective date in the past relative to the target date; for example, suppose each of the following years represents a blueprint: 2001, 2000, 1999. If today is September 9, 2016, then the blueprint with the nearest effective date in the past would be the 2001 blueprint.
A blueprint with no effective date is the default blueprint when the effective and conclusion date on the other blueprints do not meet the target date criteria on the planning board.