Job Allocation Merge Behavior

PREREQUISITE: Knowledge of shift assignments, and work code properties is required for this topic. If unfamiliar with shift assignment concept, and work code properties then review the sections: Shift Assignment, Work Code and Job Properties below.

Prior to application 7.1.4 the job allocation pass would produce multiple work codes to cover hours worked outside of the shift assignment, these work codes were same as.

For example, suppose Ben Diaz has a shift assignment in Unit 3 from 7AM - 3PM. Ben is allocated to Unit 1 from 6:30AM - 3:30PM. Prior to version 7.1.4 this would result in three work codes, three of the same work codes. The job allocation pass now results in one staffing record (one work code) when those adjacent staffing records have the same work code, the same work code properties, same job, and the job area to be filled is different than the person’s shift assignment area.

IMPORTANT: Shift assignment staffing records (also known as virtual records), checked or unchecked -will not merge via the job allocation pass. Only same as records outside of the person’s shift assignment area will be considered in the job allocation pass for the purpose of merging.

Shift Assignment

The shift assignment is the person’s assignment location. This is found in person > Assignment tab. the application factors the active assignment for the target date.

Work Code and Job Properties

The table below shows the work code properties considered prior to work code merging. This means if any of these properties are modified prior to the job allocation run, then those work code properties will not match and will not merge.

Field Name Variable Description
But Still Available staffingStillAvailSi But Still Available work code property.
Charge staffingChargeSi Charge work code property.
Auto Notify staffingAutoNotifySi Auto Notify work code property.
Hidden staffingHiddenSi Hidden work code property.
Suppress Assignment staffingSuppressAssignmentSi Suppress Assignment work code property.
Suppress Assignment Vacancy staffingSuppressAssignmentVacancySi Suppress Assignment Vacancy work code property.
No Roster Impact staffingNoImpactSi No Roster Impact work code property.
Suppress Vacancy staffingSuppressholeSi Supress Vacancy work code property.
Approval staffingRequestStat Approval work code property.
Where locationTbl Where work code property.
List Plan Override stratNoIn List Plan work code property.
Note staffingNoteVc Note work code property.
Account staffingAccountCh Account Work Code Property.
Detail Code staffingDetailCh Detail Code Property.
< None > System Derived staffingSystemInsertSi A system inserted staffing record.
ID Override staffingFormulaIdCh ID Override work code property. Visible when performing Add/Edit function > View Details,
Vacancy Flags staffingFlagsIn Vacancy Flags. Visible when performing Edit without rules function > View Details > Advanced properties: Calendar, Self-fill, Signup
Detail Code (Dynamic Value Group) dynamicValueTbl A Dynamic Value Group in work code.
Pin to inserted location staffingPinSi Pin to inserted location

Job (position) properties considered prior to work code merging.

Field Name Variable Description
Position/Job posNoIn Position Unique Identifier
Work Code wstatNoIn Work Code Unique Identifier
Shift ShiftNoIn Shift Unique Identifier
Employee Name rscNOIn Employee Profile Unique Identifier
Unit physicalUnitNoIn Unit Unique Identifier