Review About Job Allocation Passes, and Job
Allocation Pass Field Descriptions before you begin this task.
- This task requires advanced configuration knowledge of Rules.
For more information review the Online Help, or the Setup Guide.
- Rules, List Targets, and Lists must be configured prior to starting
this task when using a List in the Job Allocation pass. A List is
required to limit and sort the number of candidates returned by
the application. A List in it’s most basic form will have an On-Duty
rule to qualify scheduled personnel, and optionally a seniority
rule used as a Sort.
To open or configure a new Job Allocation Pass in Setup
> Schedule> Job Allocation Pass:
- Click Add.
- Enter a name.
We recommend using concise and meaningful text.
- Configure the remaining fields as desired. Refer to the Job
Allocation Field Descriptions topic for more information.
- Click Save.