Configure a Smart Blueprint

  • Review About Smart Blueprint and Smart Blueprint Field Descriptions before you start this task.
  • Blueprints must be preconfigured in order to apply them to a Smart Blueprint.

To configure a Smart Blueprint in Setup > Schedule > Smart Blueprint

  1. Click Add
  2. Optional - Select an organization.
  3. In Contained Blueprints, click Add and search for the desired blueprints.
  4. Add the blueprints desired for this template. For any date, only one active blueprint is allowed on the Planning board.
    • A Smart Blueprint can hold several blueprints with unique effective dates. Overlapping periods plus one blueprint with no period are acceptable. A smart blueprint will only return either a single template, or no template for a given date.

    • The system will look for the most recent effective date until it finds a valid blueprint for the target date, or simply runs out of blueprints because no blueprint contained in the Smart Blueprint covers the target date.

    • When the target date encompasses overlapping blueprints, the system returns the blueprint with the nearest Effective date in the past, and verifies that the target date falls before that blueprint’s Conclusion date.

    • To remove a template, click the red button to the right of the blueprint.

  5. Click Save to append the blueprints.
  6. Click Save again to save the Smart Blueprint