Deploy a Blueprint for a Single Shift

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Changes to any predefined data on the template upon deployment of the blueprint will apply to this instance of the blueprint only. If the change in data should apply to future templates then you must apply the new data changes to the actual blueprint template in Setup, doing so will apply the new data to subsequent blueprints.
This task topic contains two paths to take. Review the entire task topic to determine which path to take. To deploy a scheduling blueprint or blueprints on the Planning Board:
  1. Click on the desired cell to display the plus sign.
  2. Click the plus sign to apply a blueprint.
  3. Type the name of the blueprint template. Or click Show All to display all of the blueprint templates.
  4. Select the desired blueprint. Click Next. Multiple blueprints can be selected and deployed to the same line when applying the same shift pattern.1

    The Add: Blueprint page displays pre-populated fields for the selected blueprint as configured in Setup > Blueprints. Authorized users can edit presets as needed for this instance.

  5. To create one blueprint with one shift, select the desired Shift. From and Through parameters display the Shift. If desired, modify the date range in From and Through fields. Selecting a single shift will not split the blueprint.
    There is no restriction to keep the start and end time of the selected shift definition. If desired, you may change the start and end time as needed. Required fields are: SHIFT, FROM, and THROUGH. Optional - In From and Through, enter the date or date range for this blueprint or use the calendar to select a date for each field. To use the application clock to set the time, first click the calendar icon then click the clock icon to show the clock settings. Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY. Time Format: HH:MM.

    The screen redraws, and this blueprint instance appears for the date range supplied.

  6. If the blueprint you selected contains jobs, the jobs will show in the Edit Jobs area on the same screen for that blueprint instance. To review or modify job times or settings, click Edit Jobs.
    Application Behavior: Customers using Dimensions integration will either find the job populated in the Dimensions Assigned Job (External ID) field, or a list of jobs to choose from. Additionally, if the job selected on the blueprint does not match the name of the job in the Dimensions Assigned Job (External ID) field exactly, then the Dimensions Schedule API will show the job selected in the Dimensions Assigned Job (External ID) field, and this application will show the job selected in the Job field. Only applicable, when the job names do not match exactly.
  7. Click Save.
1 The ability to select multiple blueprints is available as of application version 6.6.