Deploy a Blueprint for Multiple Shifts

Blueprints must first be configured in Setup > Schedule in order to use them on the Planning board. The authority permission, Scheduling: Planning must be granted to use this feature.

Use shift split when creating an event that spans more than one shift for one or more days AND you want the application to automatically create blueprint instances on the planning board using the appropriate shift from the selected Shift Split group and within the date range supplied. For more information review About Blueprint Shift Splits. To deploy a blueprint using multiple shifts on the Planning Board:

  1. Click on the desired cell to show the plus sign at the end of the selected cell. Click the plus sign to apply a blueprint.
  2. In Name, type the name of the blueprint, or click Show All to show all blueprints
  3. Select the desired blueprint, click Next. Multiple blueprints can be selected and deployed to the same line when applying the same shift pattern. The ability to select multiple blueprints is available as of application version 6.6.

    The Add: Blueprint page opens and shows the selected blueprint’s data inputs as configured in Setup > Blueprints. At this level the application allows authorized users to change data inputs as needed for this instance.

  4. In Select Shift Splits, do not click Apply until you’re ready to split this blueprint. This option requires knowledge of your organizational shifts. To create several blueprint instances spanning multiple shifts at one time using Shift Splits1 do the following: Supply the desired dates and times in the From and Through fields. The suggested shift split for this blueprint is shown in Select Shift Splits, or select a different Shift Split from the menu box. When ready to split the blueprint click Apply.There is no restriction to keep the start and end time of the selected shift definition. If desired, you may change the start and end time as needed. The split will truncate any hours outside of the From and Through parameters supplied.

    The screen redraws, and the blueprint instances show for each shift for the date range supplied. To view or edit a blueprint instance use the pagination feature at the top of the screen as shown in the image below.

  5. If the blueprint you selected contains jobs, the jobs will show in the Edit Jobs area on the same screen for that blueprint instance. Use Multi-Edit view to edit all of the blueprints, and Edit to edit a single blueprint.
  6. Changes made to any data on the blueprint template will apply to this instance of the blueprint only. If the change applies to future templates then apply the changes on the actual blueprint template in Setup.
  7. Click Save.
1 Split shift logic is available for Add, not Edit.