Authority Permission Settings

The table below defines authority permission settings. Selecting any of the items listed below grants access to that setting.

Permission Name Description
Across all Shifts Grants the selected permissions for all shifts. If not checked the selected permissions are limited to the user’s active shift assignment and within the selected Organization Authority.
Assignment: Add, Edit Permits the ability to view, add, or edit assignments details.
Assignment: Remove Permits the ability to remove assignments details. Permits the ability to delete assignments details.
  • Delete assignment in My Info
  • Delete assignment in People
  • Detach and delete an assignment template in People
  • Delete an assignment within an assignment template
Available as of application version 7.2.
Assignment: View Permits the ability to view assignment details in My Info > Assignment tab. Functionality not available when using Blueprints.
Assignment Template Manage Grants full access to the Assignment Template area. To delete an assignment, however, requires Assignment: Remove Authority to be granted as of application version 7.2.
Attachment: Modify Permits the ability to create, assign, or remove attachments.
Attachment: Setup Grants full access rights to the Setup Attachment area and required for system configuration purposes only.
Attachment: View Permits attachment data to be viewed on the Roster.
Audit: View Permits the ability to audit in the Setup area.
Bidding: Basic Grants the base user access to the Auction module for bidding purposes only.
Bidding: Bypass Manager Permits the ability to access the Resolve One and Resolve All functions for an auction. This authority is required in order to bypass the Auction manager.
Bidding: Manage Grants the user access to the Manage Auctions area.
Bidding: Setup Grants the user access to the Setup Auctions area to configure, add, remove, or edit the Auctions module.
Calendar/Roster: Add Code Grants access to the Add Code window where users can request time-off or time-on.
Calendar/Roster: Add/Edit Code Permits users to edit work code requests that have not been approved or checked by another user.
Calendar/Roster: Schedule Synch Permits the ability to synchronize the schedule for employees by selecting days and Synch Schedule function via the Calendar and Advanced Calendar. Also available on the Roster. Feature exclusive to Dimensions +7.0.1. application.
Calendar: Advanced Grants access to the Advanced Calendar.
Calendar: Leave Threshold Override Grants the ability to access and modify Leave Threshold counts on the Calendar > Leave Thresholds page. This does not allow the user to reconfigure what is being counted, only the value in count can be modified or locked.
Calendar: Personal Grants the ability to utilize the personal Calendar area and all features within to request time off, view schedules, and more.
Contact: Window Grants access to the Contact window where this application suggests either the off-duty phone number for that user OR the on-duty phone number for that location.
Cover: Show All Activates when processing a shift-trade and used to show the entire list of active personnel in the database.
Export Data Grants access to the Export function; used to export data from the application into a flat file (comma or TAB delimited, XML type, or Excel) with or without column headings for external Payroll, RMS, or other systems.
Filters: Save to Database Grants the ability to create, edit, delete, and save Roster and Multi-Day views; includes shared custom views, and custom people filters with authorized users.
Hide Unit and Position Prevents users the ability to see the name of the Unit and Position of the assignment or staffing record on the...
  • Dashboard (Except Featured vacancies)
  • Personal Calendar
  • Calendar List View
  • My Info Reports (Personal History, and Accrual Report)
  • Contact Log
  • Work Code Workflow Notifications
  • My Info > Assignment tab

When granted the Region and Station level is shown rather than the Unit and Position.See About Hide Unit and Position topic for additional information.

Functionality not available when using Blueprints.
Import Manager: Full Access Grants the ability to import information related to personnel such as profiles and assignments into the application using the Import Manager.
Institution Focus: Override Shows Institution Focus menu:
  • If there are no Scheduled Into institution memberships defined for the user, then the user sees all institutions.
  • If the user has any scheduled into institution memberships set, then the focus menu is limited to those institution memberships.
  • Authorizes the user to modify Scheduled Into institution memberships via the person > Institution tab. Allowing the user to control which scheduled into institutions appear in the focus menu.
  • To allow the user to see <None> as an option in the focus menu to return records with no institution association; the user must have Setup > System > Authority Levels > Administrative granted.
>>> Institution Focus must be enabled to use this feature.<<<
Institution Focus: Scheduled Into Displays the Institution Focus menu but limited to Scheduled Into institution memberships. The user can view Scheduled Into institutions and staff resources that share the same institution memberships. This permission does not allow the user to modify Schedule Into institution memberships via the person > Institution tab.

The application first checks for Scheduled Into institution memberships, if any are found for the logged in user the focus menu limits the user to those Scheduled Into institution memberships regardless of whether the user has Institution Override granted.

>>> Institution Focus must be enabled to use this feature. <<<
Issues Override: Deny Level One and Level Two: Enables the user to override static and dynamic issues with severity levels of One or Two. This is the most advanced level of Issues Override.
Issues Override: Deny Level Two Enables the user to override static and dynamic issues with a severity level of Two, not One.
Multi-Day Schedule: Manage Grants access to the Multi-Day View including add filter rights. The Add, Edit, and Remove button on the Multi-Day view enable when corresponding authorities are granted. For example, to enable the Edit button, grant either Roster: Edit Basic or Roster: Edit Advanced. To save filters, grant Filter Save to Database, and so on.

As of version 6.6 Roster headcount Multi-Day contribution and logic was moved to Setup > Organization > Institution. Users must have Multi-Day Schedule: Manage and Setup: Organizations granted to view, override the default behavior, and define which time entries count towards Totals and Headcounts.

Multi-Day Schedule: View Grants the ability to only view the Multi-Day Schedule. When granted, users can change the date, export filters, wrap text in cells, add, switch, edit and delete their filters. When Institution Focus is turned on, the user has the same permission for their Home Institution and Scheduled Into Institutions.

Available as of application 7.2.2.

Also see Filters: Save to database
Outbound Queue: Self and Others Grants the ability to remove all items from the Queue.
Outbound Queue: Self Only Grants the ability to remove self only items from the Outbound Queue.
Outbound Submit: Alarms Grants the ability to send Roster Alarms in Outbound Type via Outbound.
Outbound Submit: Auto Hire Grants the ability to submit a vacancy to the Outbound module for auto hiring. If checked, also check Roster Fill Any Vacancy OR Roster Fill In Vacancies-Others.
Outbound Submit: Fill Vacancy Grants the ability to bypass staffing rules and submit any person’s name to the Outbound module to fill a vacancy. If checked, also check Roster Fill Any Vacancy, or check Roster Fill In Vacancies-Others.
Outbound Submit: Message Grants the ability to submit general messages to the Outbound Module for the selected people.
Outbound Submit: Notify Grants the ability to submit assignment details to the Outbound Module for the selected people.
Outbound Submit: Others Grants access to modify advanced options in the Line Manager when advanced options are activated.
Outbound Submit: Verify Grants users the ability to test SMS within this application. Test SMS is located in person > Profile via Verify SMS link, and via the Test SMS function in System > SMS Manager.
People: Filter Grants access to personnel filtering capabilities on the People page. If the Calendar Advanced permission is also selected then the People Filter becomes available on the Advanced Calendar.
Person: Add, Edit Advanced Grants the ability to add and access all personnel data in the People area. If checked, also check Setup: People, View All, Edit All
Person: Delete Grants the ability to delete people. If checked, also check Setup: Person Add, Edit Advanced.
Person: Edit Advanced Grants the ability to edit all viewable fields in the General tab. See Person View... permissions.
Person: Edit Basic Grants the ability to edit the following fields in the General tab when viewable: Address, and Others. See Person View... permissions.
Person: Edit Contact methods Grants the ability to edit Contact Method fields located in the General tab and recommended for base access and above user roles to prevent missed work opportunities.
Person: Edit Employee Category Displays the Category tab in person. To view, grant Employee Category View.
Person: Edit Paybacks Grants the ability to add, edit, and remove payback records located in the Paybacks tab. Changes do not affect the staffing record; they only affect the payback balances. Used to manage payback balances that occurred prior to the implementation of this application or allow for shift trade policy changes or edit trade balances for personnel who were promoted, terminated, or transferred...
Person: Edit Primary Language Grants the user the ability to override the system default language and set their preferred default language in person > General tab�. This overrides the default system language setting.
Person: Log Grants the ability to add, edit, and remove staffing records located in the Logged tab that may affect staffing rules.
  Best Practice: Do not check Person: Log. This includes Full Access roles. We recommend that you select this permission as needed in Setup, use it, when done, deselect to refuse access. Reason being, the logging tab captures working opportunities that could affect the outcome of rules, meaning - the list and order of candidates when using Fill by Rules.
Person: Manage Certifications Grants the ability to add, edit, remove certifications in person > Skills & Certifications. Available as of application version 6.7.
Person: Manage Skills Grants the ability to add, edit, remove skills in person > Skills & Certifications. Available as of application version 6.7.
Person: Manage Wage Grants the ability to edit the person’s wages in person > Wage available as of application version 7.0. In previous application versions, the wage field was located in person > Profile. Also see Person: View Wage.
Person: Message Grants the ability to add, edit, and remove messages. Recommended for supervisor and above roles.
Person: Probation Grants the ability to add, edit, and remove a probationary period. Edit allows a user to shorten or extend a probationary period.
Person: View Address Grants the ability to view personnel addresses in the People area.
Person: View Birth Date Grants the ability to view birth dates in the person > General.
Person: View Certifications Grants the ability to view certifications in person > Skills & Certifications. Available as of application version 6.7.
Person: View Payroll ID Grants the ability to view Payroll IDs in the People area.
Person: View Phone Numbers Grants the ability to view phone numbers in the People area.
Person: View Race Code Grants the ability to view race codes in person > General.
Person: View Skills Grants the ability to view skills in person > Skills & Certifications. Available as of application version 6.7.
Person: View Wage Grants the ability to view the person’s wages in person > Wage available in application version 7.0. In previous application versions, the wage field was located in person > Profile and labeled Profile: View Wage in authority permissions.
Pick List Grants the ability to access the Pick List which is used to obtain a list of personnel in general order for the next working opportunity.
Preferences: Override Locked Grants the ability to modify a locked preference in Person > Preferences, People > Preferences, and My Info > Preferences.
Preferences: Manage Grants full access to the Preferences area in People > Preferences. Preferences can be set for others, modified if editable or view only. Reorder types can only be reordered, items within a reorder set must be modified in Setup > Preferences.
Profile: Add, Edit Grants the ability to add and edit Profiles.
Profile: Delete Grants the ability to delete Profiles.
Profile: Edit Grants the ability to edit Profiles.
Profile: View Driver's License Grants the ability to view a person’s driver’s license number in their Profile tab.
Profile: View Wage Grants the ability to view wages in the person’s Profile tab. Deprecated in application version 7.0. See Person: View Wage.
Record Information Grants the ability to record the names of areas and items within the Setup area.
Reports: FEMA report Grants the ability to access the FEMA report in the Reports area. Requires the selection of Reports Self and Others.
Reports: My Info Grants the ability to view the Personal History, and Accrual report for self in My Info > Reports. When granted along with Hide Unit and Position this report shows the Region and Station level rather than the Unit and Position.
Reports: Self and Others Grants the ability to view all canned reports for self and others.
  Canned reports for self and others within the same assigned institution are available with Institution Focus enabled.
  Canned reports for all institution are available with the permission setting Institution Focus: Override checked.
Reports: Self only Grants the ability to view canned reports for self.
Request: Approve or Deny others Grants the ability to approve or deny other people’s time-off or time-on requests that fall at or below the user’s Organization Authority level. Also, grants full access to Request Notes area within the work code record.
Request: Approve or Deny self Grants the user the ability to approve or deny their own requests. Triggers static issue, Insufficient Authority to Approve this code, when this check box is cleared and the user attempts to approve their own work code.
Roster Grants the ability to access authorized Roster views. Blueprints are not supported.
  If unchecked, it renders the following Roster items to be disabled: Contact Log, Edit Record, Fill in Vacancies, Fix, Finalize, Notes, Off Roster, People Filter Assignment, Remove record, Switch, Unit Copy, Unit Deploy.
Roster: Add Event Enables Event tab access in the Unit Deploy and Unit Edit screen
Roster: Check-In Permits users to check-in remove check-ins for employees on the roster.
Roster: Contact Log Permits users to view and use the Contact Log.
Roster: Edit Advanced Grants the user full work code editing capabilities, which includes bypassing dynamic issues and overriding configured work code presets and logging behaviors for that work code. Each work code must have Allow edit... selected in Setup > Codes to show the Edit feature for that work code.
Roster: Edit Basic Grants the user limited editing capabilities. User can bypass dynamic issues and edit settings in the work code General tab only.
Roster: Edit Schedule Transfers Grants the ability to edit, set, and clear Labor Categories and Transfers in this application for authorized schedules. Dimensions is the system of record for Labor Categories, this means Labor Categories, Labor Category Entries, Labor Category Entry Lists, and Labor Category Profiles are setup and maintained in Dimensions.

This authority allows you to edit and select values in this application derived from Dimensions.

Roster: Fill in any vacancy Enables the Fill By Rules screen and grants the user the ability to staff themselves into vacant positions on the Roster that they are qualified to work regardless of position sort values and organization authority level.
Roster: Fill in vacancies - others Enables the Fill By Rules screen and grants the ability to schedule personnel into position vacancies on the Roster that are within the staffer’s organization authority level.
Roster: Fix, Finalize Grants the ability to fix and finalize the Roster.
Roster: Off Roster Grants the ability to force a person’s record on the Roster regardless of working status. Also, optionally used to manually enter accrual balances. Enables the People Filter on the Roster and Edit function.
  • Roster Edit Basic or Roster Edit Advanced permissions are not required to enable Edit Basic functions via Off-Roster. The People Filter shows the Off-Roster function in the person’s menu box options.
  • To enable drag and drop via Off-Roster, additionally select either Roster Edit Basic or Roster Edit Advanced permission.
Roster: People Filter Assignment This option enables the Fill By Person option and grants the user the ability to ‘drag and drop’ people from the People Filter to a vacancy on the Roster via Fill By Person.

The Edit function will enable when dragging a person from the People Filter to a non-vacant position if either Roster Edit Basic, Roster Edit Advanced, or Off-Roster are granted.

Roster/Calendar: Remove record Grants the ability to remove unrecorded time-off or time-on requests from the Roster or Calendar. These are not fixed or finalized records. This option allows the user to remove the request before that record has been approved or accessed by a superior authority level.

To remove fix or finalized records the authority must have additional permissions granted such as Issues Override Deny Level 1 and 2, or Issues Override Deny Level 2; both dependent on the severity level of the issues preventing the removal.

Roster: Switch Enables the Switch screen on the Roster to move personnel who is on-duty. Does not perform Issues check.

If Roster Switch and Roster Switch with Rules are both granted then the system will perform Issues check.

Roster: Switch with Rules Enables the Switch screen on the Roster to move personnel who is on-duty. Performs Issues check.

If Roster Switch and Roster Switch with Rules are both granted then the system will perform Issues check.

Roster: Unit Copy Grants the ability to copy and deploy the same unit on the Roster.
Roster: Unit Deploy Grants the ability to deploy additional user-define units on the Roster
Roster: Unit Disable Grants the user the ability to disable a Unit on the Roster for the same assigned Shift, or if additionally granted across all shifts for the target date.
  Units on the Roster along with corresponding Roster Count Alarms can be disabled for the target day, and shift or shifts using the authority permission Roster: Disable Unit.By default, any Roster Count Alarm associated with the disabled Unit is suppressed, if desired the Roster Count Alarm may be set to contribute using advanced options.
Roster: View Exception Note Grants the ability to view the ‘Staffing Note’ on the work code. This is the Notes field.
Scheduling: Import Logs View All Institutions Grants the ability to view blueprint import activity logs by Institution on the Planning Board via Import List. Functionality available with Blueprints license.
Scheduling: Planning

Grants the user the ability to apply blueprints on the Planning board. Blueprints can only be applied within the organizational level set on the User’s authority.

Functionality available with Blueprints license.
Scheduling: Staffing

Grants the user the ability to staff blueprints. Blueprints can only be staffed within the organizational level set on the User’s authority, and if applicable staff Scheduled Into institutions. Additionally, allows user access to the Scheduling > Scheduling page.

Functionality available with Blueprints license.
Scheduling: View Job Allocation Logs Grants the user the ability to view job allocation pass results. Functionality available with Blueprints license.
Setup: Closure Notes Grants full access rights to the Setup > Organizations > Closure Notes area, and required to configure Closure Note Groups. Closure Notes are reasons supplied when disabling or enabling Units and Positions.
Setup: Edit Employee Category Grants the ability to edit the Employee Category field in person > General of this application.
Setup: View Employee Category Grants access to view only employee category in Setup > General > Employee Category.
Setup: General Grants full access rights to the Setup General area and required for system configuration purposes.
Setup: Labels Grants full access rights to the Setup > General > Label area and required to configure Labels.
Setup: Leave Threshold Grants full access rights to the Setup > Codes > Leave Threshold area and required to configure Leave Threshold settings.
Setup: Logging Grants full access rights to the Setup Logging area and required to configure Logging Buckets and Behaviors.
Setup: Notification Groups
Grants full access rights to the Setup Notification Groups and Setup Notification Group Assignment areas.
  • To configure notification groups, meaning groups of approvers, go to Setup Notification Groups.
  • To multi-assign personnel to the Notification Groups go to Setup Notification Group Assignment.
  • To assign Notification Groups by individual use the Person: Edit Advanced permission to enable all of the fields on the person’s General tab which includes Notification Groups.
Setup: Organization Grants full access rights to the Setup Organization area and required to configure and maintain the organizational structure.
Setup: People, View All, Edit All Grants full access rights to the Setup People area and required for adding or removing personnel, and overall system configuration of people. To delete an assignment, however, requires Assignment: Remove Authority to be granted as of application version 7.2.
Setup: Preferences Locks Grants full access rights to the Setup Preferences Locks area and required to configure preference locks.
Setup: Preferences Grants full access rights to the Setup Preferences area and required to configure preferences.
Setup: Roster Grants full access rights to the Setup Roster area and required to configure minimum staffing levels.
Setup: Rules Grants full access rights to the Setup Rules area and required to configure staffing rules.
Setup: Scheduling Blueprint

Grants full access rights to the Setup > Scheduling Blueprint area and required to configure section in Setup Allows a user to add/edit/disable/clone/audit/remove a Scheduling Template If the authority is set at an organizational level, this right restricts which organization a Scheduling Template can be attached to. Only organization levels at or below the organization the authority is set to are available.

Functionality available with Blueprints license.
Setup: Security Grants full access rights to the Setup Security area and required to configure system authority roles and access.
Setup: Shifts Grants full access rights to the Setup Shifts area and required to configure shift patterns.
Setup: User Defined Field Grants full access rights to the User Defined Fields area in Setup > General. Required to configure user defined fields which are visible on the person Profile tab.
Setup: Work Code Grants full access rights to the Setup Codes area and required to configure work codes, dynamic issues, static issues, request notes, and detail code values.
Setup: Workflow Settings Grants full access rights to the Workflow area in Setup > Workflow and required to configure workflow settings.