Using Ongoing Imports

  • Obtain the sample xml file format from the distribution in the \integration\import folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\<Application Name>\integration\import
  • You must have the Authority permission Import Manager: Full Access to process imports in the \integration\import\ folder.
  • To start the Ongoing Import Manager, set the field Run Ongoing Import Manager as to <self> located in Setup System > Import Manager > Ongoing Import.
  • The desired sample xml contains the required format. You can comment out or remove existing tags but you cannot create additional tags. Essentially, the end result must be in the formatted xml file provided - otherwise the ongoing import manager will not process the file.
  • Do not rename terminology.
  • Do not change the format.
  • Do not add alternate data formats. Alternate data formats are not supported.
  • Labels imported must match labels in this application.

Person ID in the table below means Payroll ID, Employee ID, or External ID

Person (ResourceMaster) Person ID, First Name and Last Name RscMasterFNameCh, RscMaterLNameCh Person ID, target field to update   Make person Inactive, Person ID Person ID, and Disable Yes RscMasterDisableSi ->Y
Person Profile Already Exists (Resource) Person ID, and Job Abbreviation JobAbrvCh Person ID, Profile Target Date or Person External ID and target field to update RscExternalIDCh Person ID, and Profile Target Date or Person External ID RscExternalIDCh    
WARNING: Real Time Update
Before test running an ongoing import be sure to back up the database.

To process an ongoing import:

  1. Use the desired xml file.
  2. Place the xml file in the integration/import/ongoing.unprocessedfolder.
  3. The application looks for a new file on a periodic basis and will begin to process the file.
  4. Check the <installation directory>/integration/import/ongoing.processedfolder for successful imports and /ongoing.skipped folder for skipped imports.
Data from the xml file is imported into the application.