The Person Ongoing Import is used to import and update, people records in the application using a regular feed from an external source. The Person Ongoing Import populates existing setup items or fields located in the person General and Profile area.
Import Directory Formats are typically created by vendor partners. The format provided below is required if you intend to automate a regular feed from an external source.
Sample File Location |
person-ongoing-import-sample-udf.xml and person-ongoing-import-sample.xml are located in the distribution files.The default location is: C:\Program Files\<Application Name>\integration\import\samples |
<scheduledIntoInstitution><PersonImportRequest insertPerson="true" updatePerson="true" assertBlank="false" allOrNone="false">
<person optional="true" action="Insert">
<contact contactType="mobile" index="1">
<contact contactType="office" index="2">
<contact contactType="email" index="3">
<address1>123 Address St.</address1>
<address2>Suite 33</address2>
<spouse>Jane Doe</spouse>
<specialtyAbrv><common:abreviations level ="27" expires="2019-12-31">PM</common:abreviations><common:abreviations>HM</common:abreviations></specialtyAbrv>
<canActAsAbrv><common:abreviations level="6">E</common:abreviations><common:abreviations level="3">BC</common:abreviations></canActAsAbrv><groupAbrv><common:abreviations level="3">BL</common:abreviations>
<ListOfUDFs><UDF><udf:name>Association Number</udf:name><udf:value>575757</udf:value></UDF><UDF><udf:name>Certification ID</udf:name><udf:value>D23335</udf:value></UDF></ListOfUDFs></resource></resources></person>
The PersonImportRequest section is the root object containing all of the person items; its behavior can be altered by the attributes listed in the table below.
Field Name | Format (*case sensitive) | Description |
insertPerson | *true (default) or false | If true, it is okay to insert new records into the application. |
updatePerson | *true (default) or false | If true, it is okay to update existing records within the application. |
assertBlank | *true or false (default) | false, empty, blank, or null values will not remove data from the corresponding tag should data exist. If true, existing data within the target tags will be removed if blank values are supplied. |
AllorNone | *true (default) or false | If true, any failure to insert/update a record within the application will rollback all changes made prior to the failure and exit the program. false, insert or update failures will be logged but successful inserts or updates will be saved. |
<removableGroupAbbreviations> <abbreviation><abbreviation></removableGroupAbbreviations> | string list | If the <removableGroupAbbreviations> tag is supplied then the removal of existing and matching groups for the target profile is limited to just this list. This option allows us to avoid affecting a group not maintained by the external source performing this import. If this method is omitted then all groups for the target profile will first be removed when <removableGroupAbbreviations> is supplied. |
<removableSpecialtyAbbreviations> <abbreviation><abbreviation></removableSpecialtyAbbreviations> | string list | If the <removableSpecialtyAbbreviations> tag is supplied then the removal of existing and matching specialties for the target profile is limited to just this list. This option allows us to avoid affecting a specialty not maintained by the external source performing this import. If this method is omitted then all specialties for the target profile will first be removed when <removableSpecialtyAbbreviations> is supplied. |
<removableCanActAsAbbreviations> <abbreviation><abbreviation></removableCanActAsAbbreviations> | string list | If <CanActAsAbbreviations> tag is supplied then the removal of existing and matching acting job titles for the target profile is limited to just this list. This option allows us to avoid affecting an acting job titles not maintained by the external source performing this import. If this method is omitted then all acting job titles for the target profile will first be removed when <CanActAsAbbreviations> is supplied. |
Non-key field names are optional. If supplied, the corresponding field(s) of this application will be updated.
The following is the list of fields that are included for each <person> in the <PersonImportRequest> section.
Action | Format (*case sensitive) | Description |
person Action | *valid values:
Person optional=”true” is the default and recommended
setting and applies to Update or Remove actions. true skips the
record if that record does not exist and the import process continues.
false halts the entire process if ALLorNone is set to true or if
ALL orNone is set to false that record is skipped. Valid actions (case
Import Identifiers | One of...
An import identifier must be supplied for each person. If multiple identifiers are supplied, the application will process in this order: payrollID, employeeID, externalID. |
Lay term | Format (*case sensitive) | DB Column Name | Field Name |
First name | max 20 characters | RscMaster_FName_Ch | firstName |
Middle name | 1 character | RscMaster_MName_Ch | middleInitial |
Last name | max 20 characters | RscMaster_LName_Ch | lastName |
From date | YYYY-MM-DD | RscMaster_From_Da | from |
Through date | YYYY-MM-DD | RscMaster_Thru_Da | through |
1st contact method | max 50 characters Valid values: phone, home, office, email, mobile, raw (raw replaces *) | RscMaster_Contact1_Ch | <contact contactType="email" index="1"><contactValue></contactValue></contact> |
2nd contact method | max 50 characters. | RscMaster_Contact2_Ch | <contact contactType="mobile" index="2"><contactValue>555-555-5555</contactValue></contact> |
3rd contact method | max 50 characters | RscMaster_Contact3_Ch | <contact contactType="home" index="3"><contactValue>(666)666-6666</contactValue></contact> |
4th contact method | max 50 characters | RscMaster_Contact4_Ch | <contact contactType="office" index="4"><contactValue>777-777-7777</contactValue></contact> |
Override on duty phone flag | true or false | RscMaster_PhnOverride_Si | overrideOnDutyPhones |
Address line one | max 40 characters | RscMaster_Address1_Vc | address1 |
Address line two | max 40 characters | RscMaster_Address2_Vc | address2 |
City | max 40 characters | RscMaster_City_Vc | city |
State abbrev. | 2 characters | RscMaster_State_Ch | state |
Zip code | max 20 characters | RscMaster_Zip_Ch | postalCode |
Spouse name | max 40 characters | RscMaster_Spouse_Ch | spouse |
Payroll ID | max 30 characters | RscMaster_PayrollID_Ch | common:payrollID |
Employee ID | max 30 characters | RscMaster_EmployeeID_Ch | common:employeeID |
External ID | max 30 characters | RscMaster_ExternalID_Ch | common:externalID |
Badge ID | max 30 characters | RscMasterBadgeID_Ch | badgeID |
Race code | 1 character | RscMaster_Race_Ti | raceCode |
Gender code | 1 character | RscMaster_Sex_Ti | genderCode |
Birthdate | YYYY-MM-DD | RscMaster_Birthdate_Da | birthdate |
Login account name | max 40 characters | RscMaster_Login_Name_Ch | loginID |
Retired | *true or false | RscMaster_Disable_Si | retired |
Institution abbrev. | max 10 characters | Institution_Abrv_Ch | institution |
Scheduled into institution(s) | string list | Institution_Abrv_Ch | scheduledInstitutions |
Focus filters | number | Setup_Filters_In | setupFilters |
Base authority | number | Auth_No_in | baseAuthority |
Each <person> can optionally have a <resources> section where one or more <resource> records can be supplied. The following is the list of fields that are included for each <resource> in the <resources> section.
Non-key field names are optional. If supplied, the corresponding field(s) of this application will be updated.
Lay term | Format (*case sensitive) | DB Column Name | Field Name |
Target date | YYYY-MM-DD | targetDate | |
External ID | Max 30 characters | Rsc_ExternalID_Ch | externalIDCh |
From date | YYYY-MM-DD | Rsc_From_Da | fromDate |
Through date | YYYY-MM-DD | Rsc_Thru_Da | thruDate |
Job title | max 10 characters | Job_Abrv_Ch | jobTitleAbrv |
Specialty abbreviation(s) | string list | Spec_Abrv_Ch | specialtyAbrv |
Can Act As abbreviation(s) | string list | Job_Abrv_Ch | canActAsAbrv |
Group abbreviation(s) | string list | Group_Abrv_Ch | groupAbrv |
Promotion date | YYYY-MM-DD | Rsc_Promotion_Dt | promotionDate |
Special date | YYYY-MM-DD | Rsc_Hire_Dt | hireDate |
Clone | *true or false (default) | clone | |
UDF | string list | UDF |
Resource Attributes
The following optional attributes can be supplied with the <resource> tag to override the default behavior of the import process. For example, you can ensure that only an update is performed on a given row and that a failure will not stop the process by starting the row section with <resource action=”Update” optional=”true”>.
Name | Format (*case sensitive) | Description |
Action | *One of...
The default behavior seeks to update and insert if an existing record is not found. this attribute allows you to specify how this individual row is treated. |
Optional | true or false (default) | If true, then match failures will be overlooked. For example, a record designated with <Row Action=”Update” Optional=”true”> indicates that you want to update if a match is found but that you don’t want to fail if a match is not found. |
Notable Import Behaviors |