Staffing 01

The Staffing 01 is used to automate a regular feed from an external source to import staffing records (work code records). The Staffing 01 is mainly used to import accrual balances, time granted, or earned time from an external source so that the application can enforce leave against these balances.

Import Directory Formats are typically created by vendor partners. The format provided below is required if you intend to automate a regular feed from an external source.

Staffing 01 Sample:

<Data> <Header> <ImportDirective>STAFFING01</ImportDirective> <Methods> <CallLog>False</CallLog> <InsertNew>True</InsertNew> <UpdateExisting>True</UpdateExisting> </Methods> </Header> <Rows> <Row> <PayrollID>000102</PayrollID> <LNameMatch>SALA</LNameMatch> <StartDate>2011-01-01</StartDate> <StartTime>07:00:00</StartTime> <Duration>6.67</Duration> <WorkCode>VA</WorkCode> <Shift>2011-02-02</Shift> </Row> <Row Action="Update" Optional="True"> <PayrollID>200141</PayrollID> <StartDate>2011-01-01</StartDate> <StartTime>07:00:00</StartTime> <Duration>5.0</Duration> <WorkCode>VA</WorkCode> <Shift>2011-02-02</Shift> </Row> </Rows> </Data>

Optional - Sample code block to supply Since Date noted below. This code block updates the Since Date field to 02/05/2015 for this work code instance of Vacation (V), and this instance of the work code, Overtime (SOD).

<SinceDateList> <SinceDate> <Date>2014-02-05</Date> <Code>V</Code> <Code>SOD</Code> </SinceDate> </SinceDateList>

Optional - Sample code block to supply shift and position details. Available in version, and 6.6.1+

<Data> <Header> <ImportDirective>STAFFING01</ImportDirective> <Methods> <AllOrNone VarType="11">False</AllOrNone> <UpdateToMatchAssignment>True</UpdateToMatchAssignment> </Methods> </Header> <Rows> <Row action="Update"> <StaffingNoIn>22913</StaffingNoIn> <StartDate>2018-7-19</StartDate> <StartTime>00:00:00</StartTime> <Duration>24</Duration> <WorkCode>V</WorkCode> </Row> </Rows> </Data>

Optional - Sample code block when supplying only the Staffing_No_In. Available in version

<Data> <Header> <ImportDirective>STAFFING01</ImportDirective> <Methods> <AllorNone VarType=”11”>False</AllOrNone> <UpdateToMatchAssignment VarType=”11”>True</UpdateToMatchAssignment> </Methods> </Header> <Rows> <Row> <StaffingNoIn>178</StaffingNoIn> </Row> </Rows> </Data>

Optional - Sample code block when supplying the Staffing_No_In and additional attributes. Available in version

<Data> <Header> <ImportDirective>STAFFING01</ImportDirective> <Methods> <AllorNone VarType=”11”>False</AllOrNone>>True</UpdateToMatchAssignment> </Methods> </Header> <Rows> <Row> <StaffingNoIn>178</StaffingNoIn> <StartDate>2018-10-08</StartDate> <StartTime>06:00:00</StartTime> <Duration>8</Duration> <WorkCode>V</Workcode> </Row> </Rows> </Data>




The header field is required. It identifies the import format within the <Data> section. The Ongoing Import will reject an illegal ImportDirective value. Legal values are the names of the variations found in the sample files.


The version field is optional. It is used to ensure that a given import file only works against that specific version of the application. Simply put, if you want the import to fail when a major upgrade occurs, set the version number. If irrelevant because these interfaces are maintained across versions, then omit this section.


The methods section is optional if the default values below are as desired. If not, include the method that you want to override.

Field Name Format Description
Import Key One of...
  • PayrollID (default)
  • EmployeeID
  • ExternalID
  • RscMasterNoIn
  • RscNoIn
A tag with the same name as this selection must exist as in the supplied XML file for each <Row>. PayrollID is assumed if the method is not supplied.
AllorNone True (default) or False If TRUE, any failure to insert/update a record within the application will rollback all changes made prior to the failure and exit the program. If FALSE, insert or update failures will be logged but successful inserts or updates will be saved.
UpdateExisting True (default) or False If TRUE, it is okay to update existing records within the application.
InsertNew True (default) or False If TRUE, it is okay to insert new records into the application.
  • Prior to application version, and 6.6.1, InsertNew TRUE will Off-Roster a record at the Shift or Region level that matches the criteria provided in the import or match the Shift and up to Region level contained in the user’s assignment on the target date.
  • As of application version, and 6.6.1, InsertNew TRUE will attempt to return the shift and all applicable organizational levels of the person’s assignment on the target date.This means if the Shift and Region is not provided in the import, then the user’s assignment for that day will be used. If the Shift and the Region is provided in the import, then the assignment that matches the provided criteria will be used. If there is no match for the criteria provided, the import will Off-Roster the record based on the provided criteria.
UpdateToMatchAssignment True or False (default) Available in application version and 6.6.1+. If TRUE this will update the location of the staffing record. To update the location of a staffing record (position/shift/physical unit), the following must be supplied:
  1. UpdateToMatchAssignment must be set to True
  2. The staffing gray number must be provided (staffing_no_in)
  3. The user’s assignment must be found and returned. The application can locate the person’s assignment which includes assignments that are not working on the target day. This logic excludes people who do not have any active assignments, in which case the application will revert to the previous logic and the shift and organizational structure of the staffing record will not be activated.
TargetActive True (default) or False If True, the record to be inserted will be assigned to the Active profile for the target person on the Target date. If False, the minimum ordinal profile will be used instead.
CallLog True or False (default) If True, a contact log (a.k.a. call log tbl) will be created in addition to inserting/updating a staffing record. You may need to create a call log record to keep the logging totals (i.e. logging buckets) accurate when logging is initiated by the use of a List -- sometimes necessary for legacy imports (True) by usually not for accrual balance imports (False).
InsertStaffingOnAccept True (default) or False If False, you can achieve an update of the contact log (a.k.a. call log tbl) without inserting a staffing record.
WorkCodeIsPayrollCode True or False (default) If True, the <WorkCode> field below is assumed to contain a payroll code (versus as work code abbreviation).
IgnoreList True (default) or False If False, the name appearing in the <List> field will be used as matching criterion when searching for the existence of a staffing record.
InstitutionFocus An Institution's Abbreviation max 10 characters An Institution focused database allows the selection of a time zone for each Institution. The database stores all information in a single time zone called system time. This option allows you to import times using an institution's time zone, identified here by entering the institutions abbreviation, rather than having to import using the system time.

Update to Match Existing Behavior

Update to Match Existing is a method available in application version and 6.6.1+ that changes the way the application returns a user’s assignment when performing InsertNew or UpdateExisting. The previous and default logic returns the target person’s Shift and up to the Region level of the Organization, then the application would <Off-Roster> the remaining organizational levels. If UpdateToMatchExisting=TRUE this will allow InsertNew and UpdateExisting to return the target person’s entire assignment. When the Shift or Region are supplied in the XML file, the import will attempt to match the criteria provided to that person’s assignment. If the person does not have an assignment that matches the passed in criteria it will <Off-Roster> the person to the Shift or Region provided; essentially, reverting to the previous logic.

If the UpdateToMatchExisting flag is set to True, for any update where the staffing gray number was provided, the system will find the matching assignment. The user’s assignment will override any passed in values for shift or region. The import will update the staffing record, modifying the record to match the user’s assignment. To update the location of a staffing record (position/shift/physical unit), the following must be:

The user’s assignment must be found and returned (the system will always find an assignment, even if they do not have one running that day. The only way the system will not be able to find an assignment is if the user doesn’t have one. If the above criteria is not met, the update will fall back to the previous logic and the organizational structure or Shift criteria of the staffing record will not be updated.


Lay term Format DB Column Name Field Name
Employee identifier max 30 characters, or numbers (RscMasterNoIn & RscNoIn) One of these and based on ImportKey method selection:
  • RscMaster_PayrollID_Ch (default)
  • RscMaster_EmployeeID_Ch
  • RscMaster_ExternalID_Ch
  • RscMaster_No_In
  • Rsc_No_In
One of these and based on ImportKey method selection:
  • PayrollID (default)
  • EmployeeID
  • ExternalID
  • RscMasterNoIn
  • RscNoIn
Start date yyyy-mm-dd Staffing_Calendar_Da StartDate
Start time hh:mm:ss Staffing_Start_Dt (calculated from StartDate) StartTime
Duration 0.0### (1-4 decimal places) Staffing_End_Dt (calcuation from StartDate and StartTime) Duration
Shift abbreviation max 10 characters Shift_Abrv_Ch Shift
Work code abbreviation max 10 characters Wstat_Abrv_Ch WorkCode
Region abbreviation max 10 characters Region_Abrv_Ch Region
List name max 40 characters Strategy_Name_Ch List
Since Date yyyy-mm-dd Wstat_AccrualSince_Da Since Date (If supplied, sets the accrual since date for that work code. If blank, it is set to the current date (today at midnight).This is a date field that determines when a balance should start. The application will only consider hours that are granted after this date.
Outcome enumeration (1=accepted, 10 rejected, 18=Skipped, etc...) Cq_Status_No_In Outcome
Timestamp yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Staffing_Timestamp Timestamp
Staffing record gray number (Internal ID) number Staffing_No_In StaffingNoIn
  • If this field or tag is supplied then this key and unique ID is used to match an existing record and normal matching fields can be updated.
  • If only the StaffingNoIn is supplied then normal matching fields are not updated. Used to move staffing records such as Vacation approved prior to an assignment change. When the <Rows> element contains only the internal ID of the target staffing record, such as StaffingNoIn = 179 then that staffing record StaffingNoIn = 179 will be updated using the person's Shift and Position that is active on the calendar date of the staffing record (StaffingNoIn = 179).

Matching behavior order for StaffingNoIn when multiple assignments exist on the same day are as follows: first use same Shift and Position, then Shift, followed by Region, lastly Position over Unassigned.

Note: In lay terms, the application checks for the best assignment match in order to update the staffing record, meaning when I move this staffing record, such as Vacation which assignment do I use to return the best Shift (start/end datetime) and Position for this record being moved.

Row Attributes

The following optional attributes can be supplied with the <Row> tag to override the default behavior of the import process. For example, you can ensure that only an update is performed on a given row and that a failure will not stop the process by starting the row section with: <Row Action=”Update” Optional=”True”>.

Name Format Description
Action One of...
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Remove
The default behavior seeks to update and insert if an existing record is not found. This attribute allows you to specify how this individual row is treated.

Action Update targets and updates the following data:

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Detail Code
  • Note
  • Counts
  • Timestamp
Optional True or False (default) If TRUE, then match failures will be overlooked. For example, a record designated with <Row Auction=”Update” Optional=”True”> indicates that you want to update if a match is found but that you don’t want to fail if a match is not found.