An Assignment formula ID contains variables that target and return assignment information. Assignment formula IDs are required in Name Formula ID to label assignment templates generated via the Convert Assignments to Templates function. This is the name that will be applied to all of the templates generated in that instance. The maximum label capacity is 500 characters.
Abbreviation | Long Name |
A | Shift A |
U1 | Unit 1 |
Eng | Engineer |
Example 1 - Input: {ShiftAbrvCh}{UnitAbrvCh}{PosJobAbrvCh}
Example 1 - Output: AU1Eng
Example 2 - Input: {ShiftAbrvCh}:{UnitAbrvCh}_{PosJobAbrvCh}
Example 2 - Output: A:U1_Eng
Suppose that during the conversion process more than one assignment is returned for conversion in a single template as shown in the next table.
Abbreviation | Long Name |
A | Shift A |
U1 | Unit 1 |
Eng | Engineer |
B | Shift B |
U2 | Unit 2 |
Sup | Supervisor |
Example 3 - Input: {ShiftAbrvCh}{UnitAbrvCh}{PosJobAbrvCh}
Example 3 - Output: AU1EngBU2Sup
in Example 3 use the line break variable to add a break between assignments.
Example 4 - Input: {ShiftAbrvCh}{UnitAbrvCh}{PosJobAbrvCh}{LineBreak}
Example 4 - Output: