The General area in Setup contains personnel settings that affect staffing rules, and generally used to manage schedules and personnel profiles.
The General area contains the following configurable areas:
Rank - contains settings to create ranks or positions or both and sets the default authority assignment for each rank.
Specialty - contains setting to create specialties used for scheduling and tracking certification expiration dates.
Group - contains settings to create groups used for scheduling and personnel management.
Pay Information - contains settings to define pay periods and FLSA thresholds.
Penalty - contains settings to define probationary periods and work opportunity refusals, offers, and more.
Location - contains settings to define staffing locations and used for proximity staffing.
Special Day - contains settings to define holidays or days when different staffing procedures are followed.
Special Day Group - contains settings to group some or all special days to display on the Calendar and Roster. Rules can be used to apply different staffing procedures on a special day group. Dynamic issues can be used to prevent work code usage on a special day group as well.
Formula ID - contains an extensive list of variables used to replace position or person information on the Roster and to translate biddable items in an Auction.
Attachments - contains settings to control roster note visibility and roster note placement.
User Defined Fields - contains settings to create additional fields available on the person Profile tab.