A Position type formula ID is used to dynamically show position information on the Roster based on personnel profiles.
For instance, suppose the position consists of the person’s job title abbreviation, their call sign, and the assignment area. By default the Roster shows the job title associated with the position not the person. To dynamically show the person’s job title and other items use a Formula ID to pull this information precisely and replace the default position name with the person’s job title, call sign, and assignment area.
For example, the position formula ID is set to return the person’s job title abbreviation, call sign, and assignment area. The default position name is Supervisor, the person occupying the position is Joe Mendez who contains the following variables in his Profile and Assignment:
Using the given formula ID the Roster shows S 777 E5 when this person occupies the position, not Supervisor.
Moreover, if Joe calls in sick, and Wendy Clarke, a manager (M) fills in for Joe, the formula ID would dynamically change to M 222 E5 as an example.
Positions in the organizational structure contain the Position formula ID. Multiple position formula IDs can be created, but only one position formula ID can be active at a time for each position.
Important: Formula IDs are not required when the position attributes are static. For example, the position name, not the job title, is ‘Supervisor 455’ regardless of who staffs this position. If this is the desired output, use the Overriding Name field inside the Position located in the organizational structure.
See related topics: Add Text in the Position Column, Create a Roster View Showing Position Formula IDs