Person-In CSV File Field Descriptions

Person Import Data Types and Formats

Review topic, “About Importing People and Business Structure Via CSV” for notable import manager behaviors.

The initial import of people is performed using the import-person-sample.csv or the import-person-sample-udf.csv format. Columns in the import-person samples link to fields in the person’s General tab, Profile tab, and Assignment tab record. If certain data does not exist in the application, such as an organizational Agency, Region, or Unit - then the Import Manager will create these setup items if the settings within the Import Manager are set to do so; this includes User Defined Fields (UDF). For additional UDF information review the section User Defined Field Data Types and Formats located in this topic.

Column Header Types Include:
  • Profile related information begins with a P:
  • Assignment related information begins with an A:
  • Position related information begins with an OP:
Person Import Formats Default Format Purpose
Profile P: This is the standard notation in the column header field of a person csv import file to signal the system that this field is on the person’s Profile.
Assignment A: This is the standard notation in the column header field of a person csv import file to signal the system that this field is on the person’s Assignment.
Date mm/dd/yyyy Two digit month and date is preferred, but not required. Format: mm/dd/yyyy or m/d/yyyy - mm is numeric month, dd is numeric date, and yyyy is a four digit year.
Time hh:mm:ss Time is military. Military time does not permit an AM/PM reference.
Contact Various Valid contact methods: Phone, Email, Mobile, Pager, Fax
Phone Number ###-###-#### Standard phone number format: ###-###-####

Nonstandard phone numbers must be formatted with an asterisk before the phone number. Use a comma with any number to indicate a 2 second pause. Use multiple commas for longer pauses.

E-Mail E: E: is required at the beginning of the person’s email address for import. Example:
Boolean (True) "1", "true", "t", "y" Valid values for setting a field to True.
Boolean (False) "0", "false", "f", "n" Valid values for setting a field to False
DyC Valid DYC Unvalidated Dynamic Condition
Abbreviation Abbrv Creates a new entry or locates an existing entry using an abbreviation.
Abbreviation + Name Abbrv:Name Creates a new entry or locates an existing entry using an abbreviation. Name will be set on update. Name and Abbreviation will be set on insert.
Abbreviation + Name + Level Abbrv:Name(Level) Creates a new entry or locates an existing entry using an abbreviation. Name will be set on update. Name and Abbreviation will be set on insert. Level will be used to populate a numeric field associated with the abbreviation.
Abbreviation + Name + Date Abbrv:Name(Date) Creates a new entry or locates an existing entry using an abbreviation. Name will be set on update. Name and Abbreviation will be set on insert. Date will be used to populate a date field associated with the abbreviation.
Abbreviation + Date Abbrv(Date) Creates a new entry or locates an existing entry using an abbreviation. Name will be set to the abbreviation on insert. Name and Abbreviation will be set on insert. Date will be used to populate a date field associated with the abbreviation.
List of Abbreviation + Name + Date Abbrv:Name(Date),Abbrv:Name(Date),Abbrv:Name(Date) Abbreviation sets can be comma separated for fields that support multiple entries.

A User Defined Field (UDF) may be created or updated using the import-person-sample-udf.csv file and Import Manager settings.

A UDF is an optional field. The max number of User Defined Fields is sixteen. Exceeding this limit will generate an exception. Be sure to verify the number of UDFs already in use prior to attempting to create new ones. A UDF is in use when that UDF is assigned to a person, which may include personnel with a disabled or inactive system status; this includes disabled or inactive Profiles. Review help topic “About Import Manager” to determine which key identifiers are needed when importing or if running the ongoing import.

The format and data type indicated below is required to import a UDF.

SAMPLE UDF >> P:UDF:Wage Cap[2358]<Number>
P: Standard notation in the header fields of a person-in csv import to denote a field in the person’s Profile. The colon is required after the ‘P’.
UDF Denotes a UDF field and used to eliminate ambiguity and clearly denote user intentions.
Wage Cap This is the name of the UDF or UDF label. The label must be unique. Max 40 characters.
[2358] Optional - used to define an external ID. The external ID must be unique if you are creating the UDF. If you are updating a UDF that exists in the application - the external IDs must match. The external ID must be contained in square brackets.
Valid Values:

  • <Number>
  • <String>
  • <Date>
  • <Boolean>
This section is used to create the data type of a UDF that does not already exist in the system. If the data type is omitted and the UDF does not exist an exception will be generated.

Valid data types include:

  • <Number> Creates a field that allows a numeric entry. Max: 11 numeric characters (7,4). Example: 1234567.1234
  • <String> Creates a field that allows text. Max 100 characters.
  • <Date> Creates a date field. The Initial Import person-in.csv file supports mm/dd/yyyy or m/d/yyyy, and ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD for UDF purposes only. Ongoing Imports require ISO 8601 format when importing UDFs only.
  • <Boolean> TRUE or FALSE. Used to create a check box setting.
In-line Help Text The initial import manager auto generates a placeholder for In-line Help text. To provide users with a meaningful description, go to the Setup General area and type your description in the in-line help text box provided for the UDF.
Legal characters for import Most ascii characters are legal within the UDF except the ones outside of the regex range; specifically[];:<>
Important UDF Import Behavior

If the required format is modified a system exception will be generated.

For example, if P:Wage Cap[1234]<Number>already exists in the application importing...

  • P:Wage Cap[1234]<Boolean> will fail because the data type does not match.
  • P:Wage Cap[5678]<Number> will fail because the external ID does not match.
  • P:Wage Cap[5678]<Boolean> will fail because the data type and the external ID does not match.
  • P:Wage[5678]<Boolean> - will create a new UDF because of the unique label and external ID.
Person Import Field Data Type Description
From Date Used to enable the person’s record on this date.
Through Date Used to disable the person’s record on this date.
Condition DyC This optional field utilizes a Dynamic Condition to determine when a person’s record is active. When FALSE is supplied this person’s record does not display in the People area. Limit: 500 characters.
Employee ID String Contains your organization’s person Employee ID or Primary System ID. Must be a unique sequence of characters. The import manager identifies users in this order: External ID, Payroll ID, Employee ID. Limit: 30 characters.
Payroll ID String A required field that contains your organization’s person Payroll ID and used to identify personnel when importing or exporting data. Must be a unique sequence of characters. The import manager identifies users in this order: External ID, Payroll ID, Employee ID. Limit: 30 characters.
External ID String Contains an ID that matches a disparate system. Must be a unique sequence of characters. This optional ID is usually different than the Payroll ID and unique to the person. When utilized the External ID identifies the person for export. The import manager identifies users in this order: External ID, Payroll ID, Employee ID. Limitation: 30 characters.
Badge ID String Contains your organization’s person Badge ID. Must be a unique sequence of characters. This optional ID is usually different than the Payroll ID and unique to the person. When utilized the Badge ID identifies the person’s Badge ID for export. Limitation: 30 characters.
First Name String A required field that contains the person’s first name. Limitation: 20 characters.
M.I. String This optional field contains the person’s middle name initial. Limitation: 1 character.
Last Name String A required field that contains the person’s last name. Limitation: 20 characters.
1st Contact Contact Holds the primary contact method for the application or Staffing Administrators to contact the person with work opportunities, notifications, and messages. Limitation: 50 characters.
2nd Contact Contact Contains a secondary contact method.
3rd Contact Contact Contains a third contact method.
4th Contact Contact Contains a fourth contact method.
Override On Duty Phones Boolean ‘Y’ overrides on-duty phones and indicates that the primary and secondary contact methods for this person must be used. ‘N’ overrides this person’s contact methods and uses on-duty phone numbers placed at the Agency, Region, Station, Unit, or Position level.
Address (Line One) String Contains the first line of the person’s primary address. Limitation: 40 characters.
Address (Line Two) String Contains the second line of the person’s primary address. Limitation: 40 characters.
City String Contains the City of the person’s primary address. Limitation: 2 characters.
State String Contains the State of the person’s primary address. Limitation: 2 characters.
Zip String Contains the Postal code of the person’s primary address. Limitation: 2 characters.
Birthdate Date Contains the person’s date of birth.
Gender Code String Use of this field is dependent on the organization’s Human Resources policy and local, state, and federal regulations. When applicable, enter a gender code. This field may be used as a staffing requirement. Limitation: 1 character.
Race Code String Use of this field is dependent on the organization’s Human Resources policy and local, state, and federal regulations. When applicable, enter a race code. This field may be used as a staffing requirement. Limitation: 1 character.
Other(s) String This optional field may be used to hold an emergency contact name, the person’s spouse, partner, or family member. Limitation: 40 characters.
Login Policy # Integer The internal ID of the Login Policy #
Base Authority # Integer The internal ID of the Base Authority #
Login ID String Characters to use when signing on through the Web. Applies to the phone when Unique Phone Credentials... are turned off. Limit: 40 characters
Login ID Password String Characters to use when signing on through the web.
Telephone Login Integer Digits to use when signing on through the phones. Limit: 40 digits, must be unique, and numeric (0-9)
    IMPORTANT- To import telephone login data - you must have Allow Unique Phone Credentials turned on in the System Information page in Setup prior to the import. Doing so, allows for separate Web and phone credentials.
Telephone Login Password String Digits to use when signing on through the phone
    IMPORTANT- To import telephone login data - you must have Allow Unique Phone Credentials turned on in the System Information page in Setup prior to the import. Doing so, allows for separate Web and phone credentials.
Login Disabled Boolean Indicates the login status of the person. ‘Y’ indicates disables the person’s Login ID and Password. ‘N’ enables the person’s Login ID and Password.
Inactive Boolean A required field to enable or disable the person’s record. ‘Y’ indicated the person’s record is enabled. ‘N’ indicates the person’s record is disabled. It is recommended that only non-retired personnel is imported when creating a new database to maximize personnel license counts.
Institution # Integer Used to define the person’s Home Institution. If the Institution # is supplied, this application will use the Institution # provided as the person’s Home Institution. If no Institution # is supplied, WFTS will use the Institution in the person’s Assignment tab as the person’s Home Institution. If both are supplied, then the Home Institution will override the Assignments institution as the person’s Home Institution. If neither are supplied, the home institution will not be set.
P:Order # Integer The order of this profile in the Profile’s list order. ‘1’ indicates the top-most Profile.
P:From Date Used to enable the person’s Profile on this date.
P:Through Date Used to disable the person’s Profile on this date.
P:Alpha String String Used to place additional information pertaining to the person.
P:Condition DyC This optional field utilizes a Dynamic Condition to determine when a person’s Profile is active. The first Profile (evaluated top-down) with a TRUE Condition or no Condition is the active Profile. This field is required if there are multiple Profiles, otherwise the first profile will always be the active Profile. Limit: 500 characters.
P:Level Integer This field indicates the job level for the staff member and used as a distinction within a Job Title that can be used during sorting algorithms to prioritize staff with the same Job Title based on experience. Job level is primarily used to sort staff in a list.
P:External ID String This optional field holds an ID that matches an external system. When utilized the External ID identifies the person’s Profile for export. This information is found in the application through a database query. This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database.
P:Rank Abbreviation Required to create a job title and assignment for the person. Rank is also termed Job Title. Job titles are a generic representation of the staff member’s working capacity. To minimize word clutter on the Roster, use a concise abbreviation and long name, such as SUP:Supervisor or SUP:SUP. Required Format:abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation:10 Characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 Characters prior to 7.1. As of application 7.1 Charcter limit for long name is 50. IMPORTANT: Use the same abbreviation and the same long name for the same job title to prevent duplicate ranks. Example: Do not give one person SUP:SUP and another person S:Supervisor; doing so will create two distinct job titles.
P:Skill Integer Contains the rank skill level for the staff member and used as a distinction within a Job Title that can be used to target a specific level or used during sorting algorithms to prioritize staff with the same Job Title. Limitation: 11 numeric characters.
P:Description String Used to name the Profile.
P:Rank Actors List of Abbreviation Defines one or more Can Act As job titles for the person when applicable. Can Act As defines the job titles the person can move up or down to work. Important:The job titles used must match the job title format used in P:Rank.Use a comma to separate multiple Can Act As job titles for one person. Limitation: 256 characters.
P:Specialty List of Abbreviation Defines one or more Specialties for the person when applicable. Specialties define a unique identifier, skill set, or certification needed to fulfill a staffing requirement. Expiration dates may be tagged to specialties. If an expiration date is used, rules will disqualify candidates with expired specialties. Specialties may be visible on the Roster. Required Format: abbreviation: long name or abbreviation:long name(expiration date). Example: TRN:Trainer(01/01/2007). Use a comma to define more than one Specialty. Limitation: 256 alphanumeric characters.
P:Location String This field defines the staff member’s location based on pre-defined Location’s internal ID. This field is used to update records not during the initial database creation process. Locations are used for proximity staffing. Limitation: 11 numeric characters.
P:Group List of Abbreviation This field contains Groups assigned to the person. Use a comma to separate one or more Groups when applicable. Groups may be used to group people who share an attribute to either include or exclude when staffing. Unlike Specialties, Groups do not contain expiration dates nor visible on the Roster. Required Format: abbreviation: long name. Example: NoOT:No Overtime. Use a comma to define more than one Group. Limitation: 256 alphanumeric characters.
P:Promoted Date Contains the promotion date of the person for this Profile. The promotion date may be used to sort candidates in a list.
P:Opportunity # Integer Holds the person’s opportunity number when applicable. The opportunity # may be used to sort candidates.
P:$/hr Float Holds the hourly wage information of the person. A currency symbol is not required. Cost Reports available in application are dependent on the information provided in this field. Limitation: 11 numeric characters (7,4). Example: 1234567.1234
P:Pay Group # Integer The internal ID of the Pay Group
P:Signup Shift Group # String The internal ID of the Sign-up Shift Group
P:Calendar Shift Group # String The internal ID of the Calendar Shift Group
P:Special Date Date Contains a special date for the person. Special Date is also termed Hire Date. Essentially, any date-sensitive criteria necessary to fulfill a staffing requirement.
P:Drivers Lic's String Contains the driver’s license number for the person. Limitation: 40 alpha numeric characters.
P:Drivers Lic's Class String Contains the license class information for the person. Limitation: 40 alphanumeric characters
P:Drivers Lic's Exp Date Contains the license expiration date and used for informational purposes only. Important: If the license expiration date is required to qualify on a staffing list, create a Specialty (P:Specialty) for the license.
P:Formula ID # Integer The internal ID of a Formula.
P:Staff By # Integer The internal ID of the employee who staffed the selected record. This field is not utilized during the creation of the a new database. This information is found in the application through a database query, like the Payroll Export.
P:Region # Integer The internal ID of a Region
P:Station # Integer The internal ID of a Station
P:Auth Override # Integer The internal ID of the Authority that will override the default authority. This field is not used during the database creation process.
P:Log As # Integer The internal ID of the person’s profile that contributes time worked towards a logging behavior. This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database. This information is found in the application through a database query.
P:Disabled Boolean Used to enable or disable the Profile for the selected record. By default the Profile is enabled. Use ‘Y’ to disable the Profile or ‘N’ to enable the profile.
A:From Date Used to enable the Assignment on this date.
A:Through Date Used to disable the Assignment on this date.
A:Condition DyC This optional field utilizes a Dynamic Condition to determine when a person’s Assignment is active. Limit: 500 characters.
A:Rotation Starting Date Used to define the start of an assignment rotation.
A:Suppressed Boolean Used to suppress the person’s assignment when applying a working or nonworking code. ‘Y’ indicates suppress the Assignment. ‘N’ indicates do not suppress the Assignment. Default is ‘N’.
A:Order # Integer This field holds the person’s Assignment rotation number when applicable. Example: 1=First, 2= Second, and so on.
A:Days Rotation Integer This field holds the number of days the assignment is on rotation.
A:Shift Abbrv:Name Contains one Shift. If Assignment Rotations are required, select the shift they are currently on and define the assignment rotation after creating the database. Be consistent when labeling shifts to prevent duplicate shifts. Important:The import will not create an assignment without a Shift assigned. Required Format:abbreviation:long name. Example: S1:Shift1. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Shift Mask Abbrv:Name Contains one Shift Mask. Shift Masks indicate an additional day off or an extra work day on top of the regular shift assignment. When applicable, the Shift and Shift mask must correspond in the file. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Example: TTh:TueThur Off or TTh:TThOff. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters
A:Institution Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Institution assignment. Important:The import will not create an assignment if this field is left blank. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Agency Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Agency assignment. Important:The import will not create an assignment if this field is left blank. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Region Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Region assignment. Important:The import will not create an assignment if this field is left blank. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Station Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Station assignment. If this field is left blank, the person will display on the Roster unassigned at the previous Organizational level. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Unit Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Unit assignment. If this field is left blank, the person will display on the Roster unassigned at the previous Organizational level. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Position Name Abbrv:Name Contains the person’s Position assignment. Required Format: abbreviation:long name. Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters; Long Name Limitation: 40 characters.
A:Appears On Roster Boolean Used to display or hide the person’s Assignment on the Roster. Use Y to display the assignment or N to hide the assignment. The default is Yes. Limitation: 1 character - either Yor N.
A:Only for Weekdays Boolean This optional and rarely used field specifies the days of the week the assignment is active. The value entered defines the days of the week the assignment is active. Add each date value for the days you want included. For example, Monday and Tuesday would be 12 [4+8].
  • Sunday=2
  • Monday=4
  • Tuesday=8
  • Wednesday=16
  • Thursday=32
  • Friday=64
  • Saturday=128
A:On Duty # String This optional field holds the internal ID of the person’s On-Duty Overriding work code.This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database.
A:On Duty Detail String This optional field holds the detail code to provide additional information for the corresponding On-Duty Overriding work code.This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database. Limitation: 10 characters.
A:Off Duty # String This optional field holds the internal ID of the person’s Off-Duty Overriding work code.This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database.
A:Off Duty Detail String This optional field holds the detail code to provide additional information for the corresponding Off-Duty Overriding work code.This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database. Limitation: 10 characters.
A:Position External ID String This optional field holds an ID that matches an external system. When utilized the External ID identifies the person’s position assignment for export from this application. This information is found in the application through a database query. This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database.
OP:Account String This optional field holds an account number. Max 30 alphanumeric characters.
OP:External ID String This optional field holds an ID that matches an external system. When utilized the External ID identifies the position for export from this application. This information is found in the application through a database query. This field is not utilized during the creation of a new database.
OP:Shift Existing Shift Abbreviation Contains one Shift. The shift assignment for the position, be sure the shift matches an existing shift to prevent duplicate shifts.Required Format: Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters
OP:Shift Mask Existing Shift Max Abbreviation Contains one Shift Mask. A Shift Mask indicates an additional day off or an extra work day on top of the regular shift assignment. Required Format: Abbreviation Limitation: 10 characters
OP:Day of Week Integer This optional and rarely used field specifies the days of the week the assignment is active. The value indicated below defines the days of the week the assignment is active. Add each date value for the days you want included. For example, Monday and Tuesday would be 12 [4+8].
  • Sunday=2
  • Monday=4
  • Tuesday=8
  • Wednesday=16
  • Thursday=32
  • Friday=64
  • Saturday=128
OP:Fill Priority Integer The Fill Priority of the position. Used for auto-hire task type to indicate the staffing order.
OP:Overriding Name String The overriding name of the position. Used to change the default name of the position. The default is job title or rank name. Enter a name for this Position to display on the Roster. This entry renames the position and maintains the Rank associated with the Position.
OP:Groups List of Abbreviations This field contains Groups assigned to the position. Use a comma to separate one or more Groups when applicable. Groups may be used to group people who share an attribute to either include or exclude when staffing. Unlike Specialties, Groups do not contain expiration dates nor visible on the Roster. Required Format: abbreviation. Use a comma to define more than one Group. Limitation: 256 alphanumeric characters.
OP:Specialties List of Abbreviations Defines one or more Specialties for the position when applicable. Specialties define a unique identifier, skill set, or certification needed to fulfill a staffing requirement. Specialties may be visible on the Roster. Required Format: abbreviation. Use a comma to define more than one Specialty. Limitation: 256 alphanumeric characters.
OP:Count Strategy # Integer The unique identifier of the Count Strategy for this position.
OP:Vacancy Strategy # Integer The unique identifier of the Vacancy Strategy for this position.
OP:List Plan # Integer The unique identifier of the List Plan for this position.
OP:Special Deploy Only Boolean Whether this position is a Special deploy only type of position. Valid values include:
  • True, Y, 1
  • False, 0, N, or blank