Import Manager

The application provides a built-in Import Manager which contains setup settings for both the Initial Import and Ongoing Imports. Import and export file path locations are also included for informational and troubleshooting purposes.


Ongoing export type tasks such as Time and Labor 11, Roster 08, and Payroll are available in the Task Manager.

The Import Manager works as follows:

Initial Import
  • Used to create the initial database framework.
  • The import manager identifies users in this order:
    1. External ID
    2. Payroll ID
    3. Employee ID
  • Supports one-time data imports and creates new items in Setup if they do not exist.
  • Displays import file path locations.
Ongoing Import
  • Requires a Gateway Manager license to enable settings.
  • Updates and maintains an existing database. Supports scheduled data imports for existing setup items only.
  • The ongoing import manager identifies users in this order:
    1. Internal ID (The internal ID is the gray number of the target profile)
    2. Target Date YYYY-MM-DD
    3. External ID
  • Ongoing Import Behavior - External ID, Payroll ID, and Employee ID are used to identify the person or resource master to INSERT/UPDATE. After the person/resource master has been identified, then the correct Profile (resource) must be identified using the Internal ID, Target Date, or External ID of the Profile.
  • Importing User Defined Fields require you to identify the applicable profile, this means both the Person (resource master) and the Profile (resource) must be identified.
  • When inserting Profiles via ongoing imports all applicable and required fields must be supplied; for example Rank.
  • Contains Workforce Ready integration settings which requires a Workforce Ready Integration Manager license to use along with this application.
  • Contains Workforce Dimensions integration settings which requires a Workforce Dimensions license to use along with this application
  • Displays import and export file path information for the Integration Manager, Payroll, and FLSA.