An initial population of application data is possible
using a formatted CSV file. The location and naming of each of the
required folders is located in the <installation directory>/configuration/
The import process is an unattended process. Results of the import
are found in the application logs under system settings.
- Obtain a sample data file (import-legacy-sample.csv)
from the distribution in the \integration\samples\ folder.
- You must have the Authority permission Import Manager: Full
Access to process imports in the \integration\import\ folder.
- To start the Import Manager, set the field, Run Import
Manager as, to <self>. Located in Setup System > Import
Manager > Initial Import.
Important Information: |
- CSV is the required format. If the file format
is changed to facilitate populating the data, the end result must
be in the formatted CSV file provided - otherwise the import manager
will not process the file.
- Do not rename columns. Column titles are case sensitive.
- Do not change the format. Columns must be formatted correctly.
- Do not add alternate data formats. Alternate data formats are
not supported.
Real Time Update: |
- Importing data can overwrite existing data in the
application. Before you import review and set Import Manager settings as
desired in System > Import Manager> Import People Settings.
- Before running an import, be sure to back up the
name> database.
- Populate the Staffing-In CSV file with your data
using the following column headers: Payroll ID, Work Code, Start
Date, Shift, Duration (Hours).
The default application configuration is set for performing
initial imports.
- Place your Staffing-In CSV file in the integration/import/ folder.
- The application looks for a new file on a periodic basis
and will begin to process the file.
- Check the <installation directory>\integration\import\staffingin.processedfolder
for successful imports and
for failed imports.
Data from the spreadsheet is imported into the application;
mapped data elements from the file have been created or updated.