End an Assignment

Review Assignment related topics.

IMPORTANT: When transferring personnel to different locations or shifts or both be sure to remove any future checked records effective beyond the assignment’s end date such as, approved time-off records. These records do not follow the person you intend to move. To facilitate the process use the Advanced Calendar to view and remove any remaining future records on the person’s Calendar. New time-off requests must be submitted.

To end an assignment:

  1. Go to the People area or Roster and locate the person.
  2. Click on the person to enable your options.
    • From the People area > click Person Name >

      Select Edit...

    • From the Roster > click Person Name > Select Person.

    The selected person’s record displays.

  3. Go to the Assignment tab and locate the Through field. Enter the last day this assignment will be active in the Through field.


    • A person’s last day of work is January 16, 2014. In Through, enter 01/16/2014.

    • A person transfers to a different area or a different shift.The new assignment starts 1/20/2014. First create the new assignment and enter the start date of the new assignment, ex: 01/20/2014. Then open the previous assignment and enter the end date including any remaining non-scheduled days, in this case the assignment ends 1/19/2014. Remember no gaps of time must exist between assignments.

  4. Click Save.