Fix and Finalize both create records. Fix records can be modified. Finalized records are locked in place and require system authority to modify.
The recommended minimum requirement is to fix the roster daily to create and preserve current or past work code records.
Finalizing locks and prepares work code records for payroll. Finalizing the roster is typically done at or near the end of the pay period. Future records should not be finalized or ‘locked in place’, doing so will restrict users assigned to those records from requesting time or signing up for extra work.
Fix and Finalize can be accomplished manually on the Roster or automatically using tasks in the Task Manager. Many customers use the Auto-Fix Task Type to automatically fix the Roster daily for days in the past. This practice allows supervisors time to review and manage the Roster.
Although the Roster may be automatically fixed any number of days and at any point in time, it is recommended that supervisors practice fixing and finalizing the Roster manually for a short period-of-time to determine when and where to automatically create records before automating the task. Additionally, manually fixing and finalizing the roster for some time helps ensure that roster records are handled properly and accurately.
Fixing and Finalizing does not approve time requests.