About Disable Unit... via the Roster

The purpose of this feature is to set a unit out of service for the target day. Units on the Roster can be disabled for the target day and shift or shifts using the authority permission Roster: Disable Unit.

In application version 6.7, disable unit functionality was expanded to include positions, closure notes, and send notifications to a group of predefined people using notification groups.

Using the Advanced Options function, authorized users can disable the selected unit across multiple shifts for the day, and control Roster Alarms associated with the Unit in addition to access closure notes. Advanced options for disabled unit are located above the quick Disable/Enable button in the popup options; see image below. By default a Unit’s status is Enabled, the Status link shows Enabled, clicking the Enabled link opens the Advanced Options dialog box.

Reference Guide Function
The Unit Status link navigates to Advanced Options.
The Closure Notes edit link shows after applying a closure note.
Quick Disable or Enable button.
When a unit or a positions is disabled the entire background of the unit or position is grayed out. The Full default view shows disabled units by default. To change the behavior use the Disabled Organizations menu options available in the Content tab of custom Roster View settings. Options are:

Roster alarms at the unit level are suppressed by default.The ability to control alarms at the unit level can be set to True or False using the Suppress Alarms check box in the Advanced Options of the Disable Unit feature.1 Same functionality for disabled position via the Roster and available as of version 6.7.

Disable Unit functionality is available for:

Disable Unit functionality is not available for deployed units, meaning Roster > Deploy. Authority permission Roster: Disable Unit controls whether or not a user can disable a unit or position.

Disabled Unit... Terminology

This application supports terminology for Unit, Position, Enable, and Disable terms. To change terminology requires access to Setup > General.

Naming conventions for the Disable Unit... feature is very dynamic because terms Unit, Position, Disabled, and Enabled can be changed to better fit your organization. Renaming application terms such as the Unit or Position will take effect across the entire application - except the terms Disabled and Enabled because these terms are globally used throughout the application. In the terminology area, both Disabled and Enabled are exclusive to Disable Unit functionality.

To clarify, suppose you rename the term Disabled to Closed, this means the Disable Unit popup would show Closed next to the Status, but the quick Disable button shows Disabled. In other words, changing disabled/enabled terminology will not affect other areas of the application where the terms appear.

Closure Notes via Disabled Unit...

Closure notes are available as of application version 6.7 and used to apply a note or a reason when disabling a unit or position. Closure Notes are tracked in the application, for more information regarding closure note audits see custom report topic BIRT Closure Notes Datasource

Closure Notes are configured in Setup > Organization and applied to a Unit which allows different units to have different notes or the same notes.

Closure Notes can be free text or predefined. Closure Notes setting at the Unit level in Setup control closure note behavior on the Roster. Closure Note options in setup are:

  • Required- used to require a closure. This means when the user disables or enables the unit via the quick Disable button the application will require a closure note.
  • Not Required - used to make closure notes optional. This means when the user disables or enables the unit via the quick Disable button the application will not require a closure note and will not prompt the user to optionally select one. To optionally select a closure note choose the Advanced Options link.
  • Predefine Notes- used to standardize and provide consistent terminology for closure note reasons, or make closure notes quick and easy to apply. Follows required or not required logic above and dependent of setup selections.

Closure notes behavior may vary depending on your selections; for instance, you may select a position where closure notes are predefined and another position where closure notes are free form or required or optional... when this occurs the application will prompt you with mix values, and guide selections according to closure note configuration settings for the selected position.

A closure note is not a notification, however you can send a notification using notification groups, see About Notifications via Disabled Unit... for additional information.

Notification Groups via Disable Unit...

Notification Groups were expanded in application version 6.7 to encompass Disable Unit... functionality. Notifications are automatically sent when unit and/or position statuses change. Notification Groups are configured in setup and applied in the Organizational structure where the application seeks to find and contact the notification group defined at the lowest level of the organization first, and then moves up the structure until a notification group is found. Also applicable to disabled positions and enable activity.

Notification Groups require the configuration of the Email Manager, Contact Manager, and Notification Groups must be configured in setup and applied in the organizational structure.

Notifications are sent on a per transaction basis, which could result in many notifications. To minimize the number of notifications when disabling positions across multiple units, select the positions first and then disable in one transaction. Positions can be disabled across units. Units can be disabled one at a time or across multiple shifts.

1 Suppressed Alarms do not affect Roster Alarm count up in the organization hierarchy.