Hide Organizational Levels on the Roster

Use the Display - Organization panel in the Add Roster View or Edit Roster View screen to hide organizational levels on the Roster. The steps to hide organizational levels on the roster are the same whether you add or edit an existing view:

  1. Go to the Roster.
  2. In Views, select the desired roster view and click the icon that looks like a gear to display your options.
  3. Click either:
    • Show/Edit Roster View... for an existing view.

    • Click Add Roster View for a new view and enter a name for this view.

  4. In the Display tab, go to: Display - Organization panel.

  5. Select Hide next to the organizational level you want to hide.

    Be careful not to hide levels where you plan to add or currently have Roster Count Alarms. For example, if you have configured an alarm to display and calculate minimum staffing levels at the Station level - do not hide the Station level. Doing so will not show the red alarm on the Roster because that level is hidden.

  6. Click Save.