Administrative (Nonessential) Shifts

Nonessential shifts are assigned to people or positions or both that are not backfilled and typically have an administrative role.

Administrative personnel can have shift patterns that vary across a single department, regardless of size, so while all of the administrative resources may work at the same site, the people have different start times, or different day off patterns and so on.

To clarify, suppose you have four administrative people working in the Admin unit, but each employee has their own schedule, and each person starts at different times or has different day off patterns. If you create a shift for each pattern the Roster would expand the Admin unit four times.

Reason being, the Roster shows the organizational structure by Shift, this means Shifts will inherently create extra layers on the Roster as shown in the image below:

However, the desired effect on the Roster may be to group all of the administrative resources in one unit with varying shift patterns as shown in the image below:

To group nonessential administrative personnel with varying shifts into the same assigned unit - they must share or merge to a base shift that must be active on the Roster at all times. Depending on the configuration and business need this can be accomplished using Days of the Week buttons or Shift Masks or Shift Roster Merge or all. Please consult with a configuration expert to determine the best configuration approach for your business needs.