Shift Roster Merge

The Roster Merge setting is used to group personnel with different shift assignments under the same unit.

For example, Unit 1 runs on shift X and shift Z. Shift X runs Sunday through Wednesday and Shift Z runs Wednesday through Saturday. Unit 1 runs heavy on Wednesdays because shift X and Z overlap.

When shifts are not merged, Unit 1 displays a single unit with either shift X or Z running everyday - except Wednesdays. Both shift X and Z are active on Wednesday. Because each unit has one operating shift, two shifts build with two separate units on the Roster causing each group to naturally split and show in their respective assignment areas which are two distinct areas on the Roster.

To group personnel on different shift assignments under the same unit, use Roster Merge to connect the shifts.

Shift order is very important when using Roster Merge to merge shifts. Be sure to merge shifts in sequential order from the bottom up.

For example, suppose that the shift order in Setup looks like:

  1. Shift A
  2. Shift B
  3. Shift C
  4. Shift D

Shift Merge Logic - If...


Before creating or merging Administrative shifts see Administrative Shifts and Creating Administrative Shifts topics.