Shift Field Descriptions

Field Name Shift Field Description
Shift Status Shift is active if enabled or inactive if disabled.
Name Long name.
Abbreviation Short name.
From The date this shift becomes active. Use format: mm/dd/yyyy
Through The date this shift becomes inactive. Use format: mm/dd/yyyy.
Condition Defines when a shift is working (active or ON). Typically, the Shift Pattern and Start Time and End Time (based on Duration) are sufficient information to completely define when a Shift is ON; if not, then the Condition field is used to define the exceptions. This is the Dynamic Arguments (DyA) window. Dynamic Arguments are comprised of Dynamic Dates (DyD) or Dynamic Conditions (DyC). This field provides an advanced level of configuration using arguments (DyD) which always return a date value, or DyC which compares two DyA and returns true or false values.

IMPORTANT: Applying conditions could impact overall performance. Use conditions when there is no other alternative, for example, applying a Special Days condition to affect whether or not the UI shows the person working on a special day would impact the system throughout the application, this means the system would process whether today is a special day (True or False) each time that shift is returned. If you have 365 days and say 10 holidays, those 10 holidays are processed each time the system sees this shift. Best practice would be to clear the Working Day check box in the Special Days configuration if you do not need a nonworking code applied, or apply a holiday code manually via the advanced calendar a one-time task, but would not impact your system every single time, or use rules and an auto-assign task to automatically apply a Holiday code to the person’s calendar.

Color Used to visually identify this shift on the Calendar. Use a Basic color or define a Custom color.
Type There are two types of Shifts: Constant and Interrupted by special days.
  • Constant shifts are shifts patterns that are not interrupted by Special Days, like holidays.

  • Interrupted Shifts are those that have Special Days off. People on Interrupted shifts may have the option to not appear on the roster during Special Days.

Offer on Pick List If checked, this shift will have access to the Pick List window and the inbound phone Pick List option.
Default Labor Category Displays labor categories from Dimensions. Used to preset a labor category when referencing this Shift. Select the default labor category applicable to a person when referring to this shift. The person must have access to the selected labor category on each date referenced for the assigned job in order for this application to apply a labor category.
Default Labor Category Entry Displays labor category entries linked to the Default Labor Category. Used to preset a Labor Category Entry when referencing this Shift. Select the default labor category entry applicable to a person working this shift. The person must have access to the selected labor category entry on each date referenced for the assigned job in order for this application to apply a labor category.
Roster Merge Shows a list of shifts. Select a shift to merge the two shifts together on the Roster with the same Region.
  Example: Unit 1 runs on shift X and shift Z. Both shifts work on the same day and unit 1 has one operator per shift. If Roster merge is not selected then unit 1 is located on the same day’s Roster in two locations under shift X and under shift Z each with one operator. If the shifts are merged together, then unit 1 is displayed once on the Roster with two operators.
Merge only if overlapping timeframe If checked, merges shifts together on the roster only if the shift times overlap on that date. In the previous example, if shift X and shift Z do not overlap and Merge only if overlapping timeframe is checked then there would be two unit 1’s on the roster each with one operator.
Include name in merged name If checked, the selected Shift’s name will be included in the combine name of all other shifts with this same option checked that are merged on the target Roster.
Filter Target This check box is seen throughout the application and makes this object a filterable selection from the people filter and rules.
Subtract Break of _ minutes If Working At Least _ minutes Use this field to subtract time for a work break (e.g., lunch hour) from reports (Payroll, Exceptions, Pie Chart Summary, Cost, Staff Member History), logging period totals, accrual balances, and payback balances.
  • Enter the number of hours for the break in the first entry box.
  • In the second box, enter the number of hours a person must work before the break hours are subtracted.

For customers using Dimensions, shift breaks are not scheduled and breaks are not passed from this application to Dimensions.

Suppress Vacancies < _ minutes Any unavailable work code that has a duration of less than __ hours will suppress the vacancy and prevent the application’s Outbound Module from staffing the vacancy. This field specifies a general rule for the Shift, and most commonly used to suppress a vacancy short in duration and does not require backfilling. However, any unavailable work code record can be edited to allow staffing regardless of the vacancies' duration.
Roster Sort Priority Enter a whole number (no decimals) to establish the roster sort priority for the selected Shift within the target Region. The lowest number has the highest priority and is displayed at the top of the Roster.
Assigned Institutions The institutions listed have this shift assigned and share the same timezone. Institutions are either manually or automatically assigned. When assigning additional institutions to the selected shift only the shifts that share the same timezone or have no institution shift assignment return in the search box.
Payroll Splits Use to define the hours before and after midnight when required by payroll. Do not enter a number here if your organization does not need to split payroll data. Payroll splits display in the Staff Member History and Exceptions report; using payroll splits slows these reports.
Calendar Buttons
  • Calendar Date Selection - use to move forward or backwards one month at a time.
  • Calendar Symbol- use to navigate to a specific month or year or return to Today.
  • Weeks - use to extend the number of weeks in view.
New Pattern Every Shift should have a repeating pattern that identifies when People or Positions on a Shift are working.
Clear Pattern Use to remove the selected shift mask’s pattern.
Time Duration Defines the shift start time and duration using a 24 hour clock in HH:MM format (where H = hour and M = minute). Duration is the length in hours from the start time.
Unique Identifier The application Internal ID.