Shift Mask Field Descriptions

Shift Mask Field Name Description
Shift Mask Status Shift mask is active if enabled or inactive if disabled.
Name Long name.
Abbreviation Short name.
Type The types available determine whether the Mask day affects only on-duty days or both on-duty and off-duty days.
Filter Target Allows this Shift Mask to be a selection using People Filter Base Rules.
Calendar Buttons
  • Calendar Date Selection - use to move forward or backwards one month at a time.
  • Calendar Symbol- use to navigate to a specific month or year or return to Today.
  • Weeks - used to extend the number of weeks in view.
New Pattern Every Shift Mask has a repeating pattern that identifies working or non-working days that conflict with the corresponding shift.
Clear Pattern Use to remove the selected shift mask’s pattern.
Unique Identifier The application Internal ID.