Configure a Shift Time

To edit or add a new Shift Time.

  1. Go to Setup > Shift Times
  2. Select an existing Shift Time record to edit or click Add to create a new Shift Time record.
  3. In Name, type a name for this Shift Group record.
  4. In Time Duration, type the shift start time and duration using a 24 hour clock in HH:MM format (where H = hour and M = minute). Duration is the length in hours from the start time. Hours may be defined in decimals. The application rounds decimals up; for example, 2.497 hours displays 2.5 hours on the roster.
    1. Use a comma to separate the start time of the shift and the duration. For example, a shift that starts at 1:00 PM and runs for 9 hours would be typed as 13:00,9
    2. Use a semicolon to set alternate shift times. For example, a work schedule that alternates days between 9 and 10 hours long is entered as07:30,9;07:30,10. A weekday schedule where every Friday ends an hour earlier is entered as 07:30,9;;;;07:30,8where semi-colons indicate the previously defined start time and duration.
    3. Use the pipe symbol if the shift has a Critical Time period, define the period using the (|) Pipe symbol. Refer to the Critical Times topic for more information.
  5. Click Save.