Workforce Ready Integration

Workforce Ready integration is available in this application to create personnel records and import accrual work code balances from Workforce Ready. Roster time entries can be exported from this application to Workforce Ready by mapping cost centers to any WFC02 or WFC03 export field.

The Task Manager further supports the integration using task types for imports and two task types for time entry exports.

The following imports task types supports accrual and people import from Workforce Ready (WFR):

The following export task types support time entry exports from this application to Workforce Ready:

Workforce Ready integration settings and applicable tasks automatically enable with the purchase of the Gateway Manager module. Blueprint settings automatically enable with a Blueprint license. Full (bi-directional) Workforce Ready Integration is not yet supported.

Workforce Ready Configuration Assumptions

The following items are assumed to be completed in Workforce Ready (WFR) prior to any successful export.
  • Every WFC02 field that is mapped to a Cost Center level in this application must already have a preconfigured corresponding Workforce Ready Cost Center with a matching unique External ID. For example, if the WFC02 Staffing AccountCh in this application is mapped to Cost Center level 2 in Workforce Ready then there must be Cost Centers in Workforce Ready for each and every possible StaffingAccountCh value that could exist on an exported Roster. Each cost center's External ID in Workforce Ready must match exactly to each StaffingAccountCh value in this application. Mapped fields in Workforce Ready can be blank in this application; as such if the WFC02 mapped field for that record is blank then that time entry record will export without the Cost Center.
  • Every Employee in this application that will at any point have time cards exported to Workforce Ready must exist in Workforce Ready -and must meet the matching criteria set in the Workforce Ready Employee Mapping area located in this application (Setup >System >Imports...). An employees with blank mapped fields in this application is valid, and as such if an employee does not have a mapped field for instance no External ID (rscExternalIDCh) then that employee's records are excluded from the export; and no error will be reported. Simply put, a lack of a mapped field value in this application means -do not integrate that employee’s time entries into Workforce Ready. If an employee mapping field value is added after a previous export where that employee was skipped due to a lack of a mapping field value, then this application refactors that employee’s staffing records and exports previously un-exported records for that employee.
  • Every work code in this application read as a Time-Off category in Workforce Ready has been preconfigured in Workforce Ready so that the name of the Workforce Ready Time-Off category matches exactly in the "Time-Off to Work Code Mapping" section of this application. For example, suppose Workforce Ready has a Time-Off category named Sick 101 then there must be an equivalent work code for Sick 101 denoted in the mapping section of this application; for instance Sick 101 in Workforce Ready means Sick Leave in this application. If a work code is not mapped to a WFR Time-Off entry, then that exported time entry will not be marked as Time-Off in Workforce Ready -regardless of the “type” of work code record in this application; type meaning -working, non-working, regular duty.

Export Failure Behavior

As noted above, the mappings fields for cost centers and employees can be blank in this application, and interpreted as a desire to not include a cost center on an employee’s record. However, if this application contains a value, and that value fails to map to a cost center and/or an employee then an export error will display in the Activity Log and the entire export will be considered as a failure. Failure of any record will trigger an "All or None" behavior. Failure of one record within an export will prevent the export of all other records for that export; a subsequent export after resolving all mapping issues will re-attempt all records for that failed export.